Psychology,TRUE FRIENDS,FAMILY,my job,clubin',Wakeboarding,Snowboarding,anything on the water really...being spontanious...anything fun!
I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU CHRISMA 05-18-84 - 11-3-07 YOUR WITH ME ALWAYS! BEST FRIENDS FOREVER AND EVER! ~BRANIC"till the day we meet my heart is where i keep you friend." ~i'll be missing you -puff diddy feat. faith evans
anything but classical or folk...blues and all that...yuck!likes: one republic t-pain 311 Akon Avirl Lavigne breaking benjamin Justin Timberlake Kelly Clarkson LifeHouse Maroon 5 Nelly Frutado Plies Shawn McDonald Staind Three Days Grace Yellow Closet (always will love you guys!!) Timberland Neyo Led Zeplin Rolling Stones Styx Heart Linda Rondstat and much much more!
to many to name,but i like most comedy, romance,and SOME horror.some likes: Forrest Gump Titanic Garfield Big Daddy (anything with adam sandler really...water boy,happy gilmore...etc). 300 Ratatoieville ;-) Cars (tooomater!)(under construction)
Friends, The Hills, Law and Order...thats about it...when i have time for it...which isn't often...i also loooove watching! (LaSarah!...BugerKing Freestyle,Family Guy-Where's My Money,Dane Cook...Wakeboarding! anyting you wanna see try to find it on Youtube)!
anything V.C Andrews
My sister she has shown more courage and maturity than anyone i know. she has always been my rock and been there for me...whether i wanted her to be or not...she gets closer and closer to god with everystep she takes i look up to and admire her more than anyone could ever EVER know!