Clairebear profile picture


I AM WEEENAR!!!!111!!111!!!!1

About Me

Like Hank Hill, I have a narrow urethra.

Clearly, the ladies love me:

My Interests

I luv hanging out with the girls. FRIENDZ 4 EVAR!!!!11! I also ♥ boys boys boys!!! And of course...SHOPPING!!!!11!! OMFG I ♥ Chanel!!!1! I ♥ extraneous exclamation points!!11!!1

I'd like to meet:

That hot chick on MySpace who's always trying to give me a free iPod...although I'm getting tired of her games, and I would like an iPod from her already. For reals.


Currently in frequent iPod rotation: Depeche Mode Placebo Lacuna Coil Tool Kanye West Editors Stolen Babies The Gathering Common Interpol No Doubt R. Kelly


Battlestar Galactica 24 South Park Supernatural Arrested Development The Twilight Zone The X-Files (Seasons 1-6) Veronica Mars


Everyone Poops


In the beginning, there was a being named MacBauer. He was too powerful for his own good, so he was forced to split in half. One half became MacGyver and the other Jack Bauer. The forces expelled from the split, science refers to as "The Big Bang" that created our universe. Should Jack Bauer and MacGuyver ever meet, their combined forces would recreate MacBauer and bring our world to a sudden, violent end.

My Blog

My Letter to ABC in re: to Denigration of Pilipinos on "Desperate Housewives"

Sent to ABC on October 2, 2007.To ABC, Producers of "Desperate Housewives," and its writer Marc Cherry: I am writing in reference to the Desperate Housewives episode that aired on September 30, 2007...
Posted by Clairebear on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 10:39:00 PST

A taste of my adventures at sea

No photos from trip yet, since I am on a computer that is ten years old. The 7-day Mexican Riviera cruise was a lot of fun.  I read books while sunning myself on the deck and did a whole lot of n...
Posted by Clairebear on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 09:38:00 PST

Free souvenir Chiclets, flavor of your choice...

Just kidding.  I'm too broke right now to afford even that.  Sorry, no Chiclets for you.  However, I did charge a pretty sum on my credit card to go on my very first, and very much dese...
Posted by Clairebear on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 12:25:00 PST