♥AiMeY gEe♥ profile picture

♥AiMeY gEe♥

i was soooo glad in my plaid!!!! thanx erryone for a crazy b-day... and on another note... why did e

About Me

TO ALL MY FRIENDS... COME CELEBRATE MINE & RAMSEY'S BDAY!!!THEME: "PREPPY IN PLAID" *Cheers 2 A New Years with Old Friends* ♥oh how i LOVE this gurl...100%♥all i can say is TEE HEE!!! *MiSTi Me MoE RiSsA @ YuNg Joc*The HoTtEsT Girls @ Cheetah!! LOL ;)My COUSIN NiChOLaS & I... My MARINE "GOD BLESS IN IRAQ"!!!IT'S ALLLLL ABOUT ME... I LOVE OPENING UP NEW MAIL... SO SEND AWAY!!! :)

My Interests

some say this some say that... but i know they got my back!!! LUBB YALL!!!I LOVE MY AIR!!!♥JESS & ME... I'M SHMOKIN' A CHERRY♥*Me & Tha People's DJ... KING-G*Well alittle on wut I like... my bestfriends who r the coolest & sexiest girls u'll ever meet- my boyfriend who loves me even in the morning with no make up on lol-clubbing-hanging out with friends-parties-secrets-home of the whataburger-liars suck-clothes-fashion-taking pictures-burping-that's hot-college homework blows-procrastinater-lol-dancing on stage-MTV addict-lip gloss & eye shadow freak-family time-purses-baking-breathless moments-ambition is so attractive & sexy-candy-bubblegum-rootbeer-buffalo wings-singing in the car/shower-i need a shot-girl fight-meow-cool mother effer-dislike stuck up people-like to meet new people-hugs & kisses-being blunt can be good-my butterfly tattoo-smiles-giggles-big hearted-wild-fun-happy-juicy-crazy-beautifulMy KiTtY kAt *bLuE* chillen' in my sink?!?!

I'd like to meet:

I LOVE OPENING UP NEW MAIL... SO SEND AWAY!!! :)" / Get Your Own Voice Player Manageokay so about this COMMENT RECORDER... just press "RECORD COMMENT" & a PhOnE NuMbEr will POP up... call that number... & leave me a message!!! As simple as that, you know you wanna!!! :)


Almost anything on MTV! ChEaTeRs, The Tyra Banks Show, ElimiDate LOL, Judge Judy LOL... America's Next Top Model... LiFeTiMe MoViEs... geez I could watch those ALL day LONG!! Oh yah and E! Duh we gotta know whats going on in HollyWood GoSsiP!!


uhhh hated it! lol but if u ever do catch me reading it would definately be...CoSmO aLL tHe WaY bABy!!!

? whateverlife.com


MY HERO... would most def be... MY MOM!!! She's Got a HEART of DiAmOnDs!!!