Hello my angels! Welcome to my page.Ok... heres the lowdown....
I'm 24 years old, from the south east of melbourne.
I'm currently studying graphics design, I also work as a designer for an invitation design company and I'm also a wedding singer lol.. yeah I don't really have any time to breath. But I must say,I love always being on the go.
It suits me well as I get quite impatient and can't sit still for 2 seconds lol...
I was previously a visual merchandiser and loved it but felt that I needed to quench my long love for graphics design.
I have music and art in my blood. I'm ALWAYS singing. I have been singing since I could talk and since then I have not closed my mouth unless I'm eating, talking or in public. Actually I sing in public too! lol!...
Expressing myself through art + music is what makes me tick. Add friends and family and you understand what makes me passionate.
I love having a good laugh. Just like food is good for the body, laughter is good for the soul. My friends feed me often hehe!
What I also enjoy is meeting interesting people that inspire, teach, laugh, love, experience and of course know how to make you laugh from the gut. So if your one of these people I would love to hear from you.
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