M E R C E D E S. is thaa namee ! kurrentLy attending pacific uni0n c0LLege && d0ubLe maj0ring in nursing&spanish.greatness is my destinyyy&&my vaLLeeh yg's=my m0tivati0n f0r GREATNESS=]im unst0ppabLe!i g0t that seau&&samana bL00d runnin' thru these veins.it's **famiLy 0vr erythang** ! b0rn&raised in OCEANSIDE. im a y0ung independent w0man;;n0 need t0 j00se a ni99uh kes i kan get what i want 0n my 0wn.i d0 N0T need a ni99uh t0 c0mpLete me&i def. aint needy[heLL naw] my g0Lden rule: keep it reaL at ALL times[N0 excepti0ns 2 tha ruLe]//drama free is h0w i remain//n0 time f0r pLayin games//time is $$&&$$ is time//music=myy remedyy&&my therapy.//&&tupac=my number 1 remedy f0r tha triv//a true sh0e fanatik//but uh...thass a LiL sum sum ab0ut yah girL;;any questi0ns 0r c0ncerns? then hit tha inb0x ! music layout powered by HOT FreeLayouts.com / MyHotComments
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"my Life is fuLL 0f dark nights&& u a star tah me"