Its a new season and its comin 2 me!!! profile picture

Its a new season and its comin 2 me!!!

I am still here and its by the grace of God!!!!!

About Me

What can be said about a beautilful person?Ikeysha is a unique person who has a heart for people. She is a very caring,loving and a warmhearted person. She is also currently in college studing early childhood education. She is in LOVE WITH A MAN has name is JESUS!!!!!! Ikeysha gives honor, credit,praise 2 the man she loves.She also LOVE kids and hope 2 have somes one day. And enjoy hanging out with people who wants something out of life. I am at a point n my life were God is about 2 take me 2 my destiny.Im learning that u HAVE 2 GO THROUGH SOMETHING IN ORDER TO GET SOMEWHERE!!!!!!!!!! BUT 2 GOD B THE GLORY.I Thank God for my PAST, my scars, the hurt and the disappointment that I had 2 endure. But i know its just 2 build my character!!!!!!!! But one thing I know 4 sure is "WHATS 2 COME IS BETTER THAN WHATS BEEN" And im still believing that the BEST IS YET 2 COME!!!!! Nevertheless I am a cool,real,sweet and a understanding person.

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My Interests

I like 2 Sing,skate, hanging out and shopping!!!!!!!!!!!!

A to Z Survey
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A - Available To God
B - Best Friend Tiffany, Belinda (close friend) Laquinda
C - Crush Not telling
D - Dad's Name J.C ( My Shining Star) lol!!!!
E - Easiest Person To Talk To God, My Daddy, My Pastor and Auntie Juanite
F - Favorite Band Old Navy!!!!!
G - Gummy Bears Or Worms Gummy Bears
H - Hometown Chicago
I - Instrument Piano
J - Job Teacher Ass.
K - Kids Love kids (Hope 2 have some soon)
L - Longest Car Ride Mississippi
M - Milk Flavor Vanilla
N - Number Of Siblings 3
O - One Wish To have a closer relationship with God!!!
P - Phobias Not sure
Q - Favorite Quote Must b nice, Good luck,Jesussssssssss!!!!, Prasie Him!!
R - Reason To Smile God is Good and faithful
S - Song You Last Heard Love by Musiq soulchild
T - Time You Woke Up Whenever God woke me up!!!!!
U - Unknown Fact About Me I love all my haters and the people that .."TRY.." 2 bring me down
V - Vegetable Broccoli
W - Worst Habits Procrastination
X - X-Rays You've Had Head, arm & stomach
Y - Your Favorite Food Pizza
Z - Zodiac Sign Aries
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I'd like to meet:

My lord and savior Jesus Christ, Juanita Bynum,The Clarks Sisters, Fantasia and Jamie Foxx.


I love Gospel(Worship)I love everything that Dorinda clark-cole has ever done .I like R&b and jazz as well


The best man, love and basketball, players club, what's love got to do with it,The Temptations,Love Jones,Dream Girls and Lean on me and many more.


Charm, Girlfriends, lifetime,jamie foxx,All of us, soul food law & order and many more.


The bible, life is not a fairy tale by fantasia, and all of Zane Books.


My Lord and savior Jesus Christ, My Daddy J.C (I am a Daddy's Girl) The people that God has placed n my life like (the best auntie n the world Juanita Williams) My mentor Cara Alley and Denise harris (R.I.P my love)