Jordan profile picture


God Bless MY Broken Road!!

About Me

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HMMMMMM.....Well guys I thought it was time that I update my page because a few things have changed. First of all my husband and I are split up. Some times you just have to give in while your still ahead! Things just didnt work out and thats all that I have to say! So, my life is just alil crazy right now, but I know that the good Lord has a plan for me! Im just tired of taking the wrong path!! But hey, I guess thats what life is about, you have to choose the wrong paths to finnally find the one thats right!! But I guess I'll keep everyone posted on all this CHAOS!! LOL! Just pray for me!!! I think thats what I need most right now!
You Are a Margarita
You aren't just the life of the party, you are the party!
You mix a good drink, bust out some great music, and know how to get down. What Mixed Drink Are You?

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You Are a Mai Tai
You aren't a big drinker, but you'll drink if the atmosphere is festive.
And when you're drunk, watch out! You're easily carried away. What Mixed Drink Are You? ..
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My Interests

How to make a Jordan
3 parts mercy
3 parts self-sufficiency
3 parts energy
Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of caring

Personality cocktail
About Me
Name Jordan
Nickname Jordo, Jordy.........
Birthday 5/25/86
Age 20...........almost 21! :-(!
Height ummm......4ft nothing..
Hair Color brown
Eye Color hazel
Have You Ever
Fallen for your besfriend lol...nope i'm not a lezbo!!
Kissed someone who was just your friend yeah.....thats weird
Been rejected HECK YA!!! It SUX!!!
Been in love hurts! :-(!
Used someone hmmm.................
Cheated on someone eeeekkkkkk....yeah, not too proud of it!
Been cheated on Yeah..........I guess I deserved it
Done something you regret I've done somethings I'm not proud of, but no regrets!! Live and Learn!
Do you ...
Color your hair yeah, when I can afford to!
Have tattos yeah.....
If so how many one.........big one on my back!!
Have any peircings uh huh....
If so how many ears
Have a bf/gf hmmmmmmmm.............
Like thunderstorms their scary............but can be romantic at the same time
Ever get off the damn computer ..........................yeah when I'm at work
Have you/Do you have...
Considered a life of crime lol........
Considered being a hooker could you imagine me being a hooker?!?! LOL!
Coneidered being a pimp hahaha!!!!!!!!
Split personalities ummmm........i think so..
Obsessions not really.....
Panic sometimes.....
Anxiety not real sure
Depression/Considered suicid just got diagnosed with depression :-(!!!
Right now..
Current clothes scrubs.........
Current mood tired...but happy!
Current hair ponytail.......
&..39;Current music' country......LiL Big Town!
Current annoyance MY DAMN CELL PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Current perfume/cologne Burberries
Current thing you should be doing laundry......YUCK!!
Current crush hummm....wouldnt you like to know!
Drink ummm...duh....COORS LIGHT!!
Color PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Candy Chocolate Covered Cherries!!!!
Tv Show GREYS!!!!
Movie Pure Country! League of their own......
Place MEXICO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Person to talk to Alli,
Do your perfer..
McDonalds or Burger King McDonalds....I'm a Happy Meal Girl!!!
Marry the Perfect Lover or the perfect friend HAS TO BE BOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Root Beer or Dr Pepper ohhhhh......thats a tough one......both
Sunshine or Rain you have to have the rain with the sunshine...thats life
Spring or Fall SPRING!!
Winter or Summer BOTH!!!
Vanilla or Chocolate Chocolate.....unless its cake....then vanilla
Snowboarding or Sking cant do either one of them without bustin my ASS!
Lights on or Off
Are you...
Understanding VERY!!!!!!!!!!
Open Minded I dont make any kind of judgements........
Bad Tempered HELL YEAH!!!!!
Happy Usually.....
Attractive Try to be!
Bored Easily not really.....
Sad sometimes...
What do you like in a Girl/ Boy Gotta make me smile!!!! Hold me close, but give me my space at the same time!
Eyes doesnt really matter
Hair color just not red......SORRY!LOL!
Long or short hair Doesnt matter if it looks good.....
Body Type BUFF.......Not TOOOOOOO Skinny....
Personality outgoing, funny, gotta know when to be serious and when to be romantic......
How would you describe yourself I'm pretty outgoing and fun loving, I like to have a good time, but I also know when to be responsible, and I am deffinatly a romantic!
Do you have any Pets? well......a weenie dog...named Annie
Have any syblings? yup.....4 brothers and 1 sister!!!!!
What do you want to be when you grow up? RN
Do you wanna get married and have kids? UMMMM........
What is your best physical Trait? My Butt....and my
What is the best thing about your personality? I am pretty understanding.....and I LOVE to laugh
What words do you overuse hmmmmm......and lol....and SHIT!!
Whats the most annoying thing about you ME ANNOYING....nah....I'm
End this survey with a quote "Live like theres no tomorrow....cause you never know when tomorrow wont come!"

Hmmm... I LOVE to sing!!! Love Hangin out with my friends and drinkin some beer!! COORS LIGHT!!!!! I love my job and I cant wait till I get my RN!!! I love taking care of older people! Never thought that I would say that!?!?! LOL!! Just pretty much like to have a good time, I try not to have any drama, but it always seems to find its way to me! Funny how that happens!!!

I'd like to meet:

George Strait....because he is so damn hot!!! lol


Usually depends on my mood...


steal magnolias,pure country,pay it forward,behind enemy lines, DaVinchi Code,
Graphics & Layouts


GREYS ANATOMY!!!!!! Two and a half men, Cold Case, CSI, Survivor


really dont read much


My mom and oh yeah cant forget George Strait!! LoL