Ooh lots of people... Goodwill. I'd really like to meet Goodwill. He's so funny and I think he's such an awesome DJ. No seriously, I do. Ok, ok... Here's the real list: Nelson Mandela to be humbled; Angelina Jolie to see if she really is all that; Robin Williams to laugh til I cry; Billy Crystal to hear him talk for hours about Commodore Records... and hopefully get a few jokes thrown in for good measure; Gael Garcial Bernal so I can melt in those dreamy eyes and make him speak to me in Spanish *sigh*; Britney... just because; Eddie Murphy, but only back in his 'Delirious' days, and Gwen Stefani coz she's just so fucking cool it hurts. Oh and I was only kidding about Goodwill. I've already met him. I'd really like to meet TV Rock though. Those guys are so hot right now.