It's come to my attention that some of you girls like to copy what I write in my about me section word for word. Although this is extremely flattering, I hope you are able to feel confident in your own words at some point in your life instead of living vicariously through mine. Girls please keep in mind looks will fade but your intelligence, or lack thereof, will stay with you forever. Like Kanye said, THERE'S A THOUSAND YOUS, THERE'S ONLY ONE OF ME. Unoriginality is not a good look, plain and simple. My daily motivation is not moved by what others think of me. I am my biggest critic, and refuse to let other's opinions of me motivate my life. MY FRIEND IS ONE WHO TAKES ME FOR WHAT I AM. My family is my life and I will hold those who are loyal to me down. I am who I am and make no excuses for my confidence and belief in my abilities. Some take this as arrogance and selfishness, but if you are a friend who truly knows me then you simply take it for what it is, embrace it, and instead see it as independence and strength, and come to admire it. I love to party it up however nights out can be dramatic. Just make it a family affair because now your babys mother is sweating me too. I tell it like it is and demand honesty from those in my life. RATHER THAN LOVE, THAN MONEY, THAN FAME, GIVE ME TRUTH. As for the haters I love it FOR TRUE LEADERS IN LIFE ARE RARELY LOVED, BUT ALWAYS RESPECTED.
on a more important note...
My Name is Sara im NOT spoiled, my daddy loves me :) I have a little boy who just turned 4 and my daddy loves him too :)My mom is my bestfriend!! You can't trust bitches these days for nothing. I like to sit back and enjoy the finer things in life and some of the more extreme... Nothing is better then a day at the spa! Your V.I.P table does not impress me. I love going on vacation...I love going to the beach, or just laying by the pool... I love to be out, I can make anywhere a goodtime, and im usually pretty fun to be around....I'm very spontaneous and I like to do crazy things just for the thrill..I stay white until summer then I BURN :)....I bet you would have never guessed that my favorite thing to do is shop huh? :) three words to live by... live love && laugh ♥