KATHUCIAツ <ALUMNI o8> Hi HATERS !! profile picture


LuV mah FANZ .. ya..LL maKe me beTter PAGE MARKED *PUBLiC* ENJ0Y iT BiTCHES .. LiMiTED TiME 0FFER

About Me

what'z go0diie Myspace ?? My name iis Kathucia kn0wn 2 m0st as Kathy,or ma middle name ASHLEY ii..m Haitian and L0VE iit.ii..m diifferent then ya average ii have my 0wn style my own pers0naliity iit c0mes wiith me and stays wiith me dress 2 iimpress myself i..m pr0ud 2 say i..m a God loviin peRs0n .. ii GRADUATED Hillcrest High School ((class of o8))!! im currently a college student now ii attend New York City College of Technology class of 2012 !! ii..m VERY GOAL ORiiENTeD ii..m g0in placeS y0u heaRd i learned n0t t0 let n0 0ne put me d0wn .. ii..m a ladii that treatz ppl wiith respect when treated wiith respect .. ii d0nt ass0ciate wiith biirds //smut biitchez .ii..m c00l d0wn t0 earth liike to chiill make new frenz, Yeah i..m n2 myseLf N Lo0kin go0d sum may kall iT k0nceited but i kaLL it felicitous and L0VE 2 laugh i have a HUGE sense 0f hum0R iif me and y0u aren't friendz then y0u REALLY d0n..t kn0w me, d0nt judge a b00k by iit'z c0ver, cuz i y0u may see me and see wh0 ii chill wiith and thiink y0u kn0w me.. but nah b ii..m far fr0m that, cuz ii chiill wiith diifferent pe0plez. trust when i tell y0u thiis ii am a sweetheart.. but d0nt let my kiindess f00l y0u cuz if y0u push me t0 a extent y0u g0nna see that different siide 0f me. ii d0nt deal wiith hate s0 iif save the drama 4 s0me0ne wh0 carez cuz hate iis a siickness 2 bad therez n0 cure. ii l0ve t0 laugh, make j0kes and have a g00d tiime with my real friends<3 and famiily<3. ii..m c00l easy to get al0ng with. ii..m 0n my older n0w.. wiser n0w i get str8 2 iiT - real talk - i aiint feeliin da game playiin .. computer thuggiin .. 2 faCed people .. nah i aint w/ iit. iit aiint a go0d lOok 4 tha kidD anyway. anythIng eLse u wanna kn0 hidd da kidD up on aim MskathyKat5 ___________________________________________________________m Ahh Views 0n ReLati0nships, FriENdS ,and LiFe___________________________________________________________RELATIONSHIPS: Havent met one yet that hasn't hurt me .. yet i was never single .. maybe thats the best thing for me. HONESTLY not looking for one! Im single and i wanna keep it that way untill i find a guy i feel i WILL MARRY... if i dont find him hey im single 4 the rest of my life lol...I know all guys arn't the same but sh!t they all the same to me right about now! Relationships are messy and u get hurt. Thats what love is right?? pain and pleasure? I dont have time to find out!___________________________________________________________FRIENDS: I have a few but i know who my real friends are! There the people who STOOD BY ME no matter what, They've held me down through EVERYTHING And lord knows we've been through alot from laughs to crys to fights to STUPID boys who made us do most of the laughing and crying.. well yall hoes cause im too hood 2 be crying over a boy j/k! Its been a LONGGGG year but yall helped me through it! and i love u guys 4 that! I dont know what i would've done without yall! they've held my secrets and i know dey wont turn on me, I love you guys kuz u've held me down since day one! And im here 4 you guys! I'll neva go around tellin ya business or go out of my way to hurt y0u guys *tear* deep huh!________________________________________________________ ___LiFE: Im just chillen right now goin to school doin me, I dont care what people have to say about me! But one thing i will say is IM NOT STUCK UP !! Some people are so used to people kissin they ASs whenever they come around that they xpect me to do that lol NOOO NEVA THAT !! If u aint doin sh!t 4 me then i have no reason to even look at you let alone speak! I might speak first every once in a blue moon but if i dont, either speak first or shut the hell up!_________________________________________________________ __ My LiiKez •GOD •FAM •GUYS •NEW KiiKZ •HAiTiAN F00D •SNAPPLE APPLE •MUSiiK •$.C.R.i.L.L.A. •PARTiiES •M0ViiES •THE SMELL 0F FRESH KiiKZ •LAUGHiiNG •my SK LX//Sprint LG//PSP •THE C0L0R PiiNK.GREEN.BLACK •TETRiS//PACMAN//SUPER MARi0 •BRiiSK iiCED TEA •AMERiCAN EAGLE//AERP0STALE •CL0THES •iiCE CREAM •BEiiN FRESH 2 DEATH •CANDY •SH0PPiiNG •BEiiNG ME ___________________________________________________________ My DiisLiiKez oANIMALS oFEMALES oC0C0NUT oLiiARS // PH0NiiES oBiiRDS // SMUTTS oDUSTY NiiGGAS oNiiGGAS DAT THiiNK THE W0RLD REV0LVS AR0UND THEM oFAKES//WANNABES oFEiiNZ .. iiF U GET DA DRiiFT 0F ME N0T LiiKiiN Y0U .. LET iiT R0K oUNNECESSARY ATTiiTUDES SMFH oLAMES // C0RNBALLZ oNiiGGAS DAT ACT LiiKE FEMALEZ .. GR0W A DiiCK NAH MEAN oSK0OL oSKETCHERS oCHiiCKZ iDK LO0KiN @ ME LiKE WTF !! oTHE SMELL 0F GAS oBUFFY THE B0DY LOL oPPL STEP 0N MA KiiKZ .. DASS Vii0LATii0N oHATAZ DAT DiiCKRiiDE MY MYSPACE PAGE ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ A LIL MORE ABOUT ME.....º I have the smartest mouth EVER º Some people think im weird lol º Crying makes me feel better º I really like meeting new people º Relationships scare me º Im scared to show my emotions º I hate people knowing that i care about them so i pretend like i dont! º Sometimes i lie and tell boys i like them when i really dont º Drinking make me sleepy º When it comes to guys i dont always say whats on my mind º Haters make me smile º I hate being affectionate º I am IN LOVE with shoes º I get shy around boys i like :) º I dont like to look people in the eyes (it's just weird)Mii && Nessa 0n ChristmaS && a Merry Christmas it was!! i L0VE mii SEAN!! i L0VE mii LiL cuZ Na0mi!! MesmErizeD pikk BluRry But still lo0k go0d

My Interests

i r0kk 2 mah 0wn beats !Pard0n maHh BaK BiTchE$Me and MaHh BaBy Sean !! i Luv Ma NephEw yup Yup !!Me AnD mAH bo0/kuZ LinDa We suM baD giRlz Glam0r0uS GiRLzIngrid lo0kin Glam0r0us S0 fl0sSy fL0Ssy My LiL H0mie DoloRes love her!! We wasnt even ReaDy Nessa, Crystal, Mimi and I U KanT deNy iT iMma Fukin RidaH Lo0k aT me DamN !! NeSsA's DeFiNaTeLy A StARrrThiis iis Why ii'm HoT.. ii'm HOT cuz iim FLii u aiint kuz u NOT.. FiiRst 0f aLL ii g0tta Rep da fAm DMO 4 liiFe!! iitZ n0t a TeAM n0t a M0veMent iiTz Bl00d .. thiiCkeR thEn waTeR .. Y0u d0nT piicK yA fAm g0tta ThaNk GOD iim bLeSsED.MoMBr0 EsteReMeMeNe JuNi0R EmmanueL LiNDa JaMeS FRaNNzY

I'd like to meet:

Kickin it @ GRADUATi0N o8 Baby! HEALTH CAREERS GRADUATi0N O8' Me && Nessa Lo0kin Cute b0ut t0 take Seni0r piikz Sexy in da CiTy walk wiT da LadiEs of o8 Me && Tenaya aka Da Twain SistAs My twin babez Me && My Tenaya MiSs Twain {{inside j0ke}} fLashBaQ day.. Me Karine && RaSheeDa Da NuRse since YeaR 10 {{inside j0ke}}/Me &&Temi FutuRe Nurses CRAZY HAIR DAY SayiN PaRd0n maHh BaQ iiS Cheesy s0 i w0nt.. :)


“Let me tell you something, Mister. If I had her money, I'd be richer than she is.' - Breakfast at Tiffany's” "Well behaved women Barely make history"-Marilyn monroe "What people say isn't going to stop me. I have to do things for myself."--Kate Moss I stay true to myself and my style, and I am always pushing myself to be aware of that and be original.- aaliyah


..Jesus Christ and My Mother she doesn't make alot of money but she always made sure me and my siblings had whatever we wanted.

My Blog


so far since school started i haven't had any discrepancies with anyone, maybe the teachers but none of the students. It seems like ppl be lookin at me all kinds of ways but i don't let it faze me cus...
Posted by KATHUCIAÄ [[ALUMNI o8]] Hi HATERS !! on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 09:01:00 PST

Like u dont know

I know u've been informed..i know bitches cus they run they mouth non-stop like a broken faucet... when u see me dont try to act like ur delirious. Keep it gangsta..keep it funky. U know who u are. D...
Posted by KATHUCIAÄ [[ALUMNI o8]] Hi HATERS !! on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 08:57:00 PST