i r0kk 2 mah 0wn beats !Pard0n maHh BaK BiTchE$Me and MaHh BaBy Sean !! i Luv Ma NephEw yup Yup !!Me AnD mAH bo0/kuZ LinDa We suM baD giRlz Glam0r0uS GiRLzIngrid lo0kin Glam0r0us S0 fl0sSy fL0Ssy My LiL H0mie DoloRes love her!! We wasnt even ReaDy Nessa, Crystal, Mimi and I U KanT deNy iT iMma Fukin RidaH Lo0k aT me DamN !! NeSsA's DeFiNaTeLy A StARrrThiis iis Why ii'm HoT.. ii'm HOT cuz iim FLii u aiint kuz u NOT.. FiiRst 0f aLL ii g0tta Rep da fAm DMO 4 liiFe!! iitZ n0t a TeAM n0t a M0veMent iiTz Bl00d .. thiiCkeR thEn waTeR .. Y0u d0nT piicK yA fAm g0tta ThaNk GOD iim bLeSsED.MoMBr0 EsteReMeMeNe JuNi0R EmmanueL LiNDa JaMeS FRaNNzY
Kickin it @ GRADUATi0N o8 Baby! HEALTH CAREERS GRADUATi0N O8' Me && Nessa Lo0kin Cute b0ut t0 take Seni0r piikz Sexy in da CiTy walk wiT da LadiEs of o8 Me && Tenaya aka Da Twain SistAs My twin babez Me && My Tenaya MiSs Twain {{inside j0ke}} fLashBaQ day.. Me Karine && RaSheeDa Da NuRse since YeaR 10 {{inside j0ke}}/Me &&Temi FutuRe Nurses CRAZY HAIR DAY SayiN PaRd0n maHh BaQ iiS Cheesy s0 i w0nt.. :)
“Let me tell you something, Mister. If I had her money, I'd be richer than she is.' - Breakfast at Tiffany's†"Well behaved women Barely make history"-Marilyn monroe "What people say isn't going to stop me. I have to do things for myself."--Kate Moss I stay true to myself and my style, and I am always pushing myself to be aware of that and be original.- aaliyah
..Jesus Christ and My Mother she doesn't make alot of money but she always made sure me and my siblings had whatever we wanted.