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About Me

Hallo my name is SMIGLO - (FASTMEN ) or Michal from MINE FOREST !. I interesting music like : agressiv disco polo ( hi,hi ), classic music , electronic , ambient , rock , blues , METAL , INDUSTRIAL , Noise and Grind Gore . Silence Kill My Self !!! That I want a listen something !!! I done : Siekierzyn agro fest III . I wanna say thank you for : Maniek - Hellspawn , Jurek Boiszczak , Laboga firm - Mr.Hector , Zbigniew Ambrozy , My MOTHER !!! , my Brothers ( Wojt , Rafal - Roch , brother wife ), Jarek Paus ( Zuk - fucking rules ) , mr.SLAWEK Kaleta , Tomasz " Cipek " Dus , i all people who help for ass !!! Grups who play on this festival !!! BIG THANX !!!and thanx for all people who say to me : "... fuck off ..." !!!!Thanx - With Sadist Madness fest ( we will doing still togever as one ) , thanx for mr.Tomasz , Czerwonemu , Jonczakowi , Rafalowi Sadejowi from Moan for poster With Sadist Madness fest , Tomasz Wizner for title , bands and all who visit Buldozer fest . TEMPLE OF SILENCE.FEST. !!! Bez Kontroli fest.!!! big thanx for Piotr Sawicki from RBMK . We recomended and WELCOME on This FESTIVALS in 8-9 APRIL , info : myspace.com/templeofsilence myspace.com/bezkontroliIn the future i wanna doing continue SIEKIERZYN Agro Fest and if somebody is intersting please contact with me !!!I like military mine lovely forest and travells !!!

My Interests

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