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Laila Coslovi

About Me

Cantautrice, arrangiatrice, tecnicA del suono, produttrice artistica.
PR/Event Manager dell'Irish Pub O'Seven di Taormina.
I brani in inglese sono tratti dalla demo "The Demodernist" (2007) coprodotto con Andrea Casarini di Castelfranco Emilia (MO) che ha curato le registrazioni e le percussioni.
Recentemente ho creato una demo in italiano (11 brani) e sono alla ricerca di un produttore.
Canto nella cover band anni '80: The Comic Strips.
My band was originally called The Modernist, but we decided to change the name since The Modernist already exists. The term "Demodernist" is the fusion of two words: "dèmodè " (that which is out of fashion) and "Modernist " (one who has innovative ideas). From the synthesis of these two words and the resulting contradiction between them, a real philosophy of life is born. The "Demodernist" is the one who cannot detach himself from the beauty of the past, even if it is outdated, because he cannot accept the stereotypes and expectations that the contemporary society imposes so strongly upon him. At the same time, however, the "Demodernist" shows that he is be able to project actual elements from the past in a modern setting. The "Demodernist" exists in a contradictory spiritual dimension, simultaneously nostalgic and innovative. The "Demodernist" believes that the evolution (human, technological and so on) is not always synonymous with improvement, and hence he becomes a spokesman of the spirituality and the values that humanity has left behind in the unbridled run toward progress. When we discovered that The Modernist exists already, we understood that it was actually a good thing, because thanks to this new word (Demodernist), we have found our band's identity and have given a name to it.

My Interests


Member Since: 30/11/2006
Band Members: LailaeANDREA CASARINI: registrazioni, percussioni.
Influences: Ennio Morricone, Beatles, Serge Gainsbourg, Who, Kinks, Jam, Clash, colonne sonore '60-'70-'80, The Rokes e il Beat italiano in generale.
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Il significato del nostro nuovo nome "The Demodernist"

Ho illustrato in maniera molto sintetica il significato che abbiamo dato ad una parola creata appositamente per dare un'identità al nostro gruppo. Ci siamo però resi conto che quella stessa parola ha ...
Posted by on Mon, 07 May 2007 02:44:00 GMT