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Maybe I Deserve Lyrics
Boys that r real%Doys that r in my league%Doys that r church going%Doys that r respectful me and my family%Doys that r between the ages of 16-18 %oys that r drama free and with an education.%Doys that live in my area and not hustlers.
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RAP, R&B, HIP HOP,GOSPEL Real tears are not those that fall from the eyes and cover the face, but those that fall from the heart and cover the soul. It takes a life time to find someone, but only a moment to fall in love. If you love someone you give everything you can and not expecting on any return. You never truly love a person until the mere thought of you hurting that loved one is enough to break your own heart Never say goodbye when you still want to try. never give up when you still feel that you can take it. never say you no longer love a person when you can't let go.. It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but its also true that we don't know what we've been missing on until it arrives. You can fall in love in an instant. It's letting go that takes time. A kiss is just a kiss until you find the one you love. A hug is just a hug until its the one your thinking of.
Cash Camp Crankin tha Solja Boi
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Action- CSI
Drama- Flava of Love
Comdey- Family Guy
...::About Me::...
Full Name: Brittany
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: black
Height: 5'5
Shoe Size: 9
Ring Size: don't kno
Heritage: n/a
Graduating Year: n/a
Birthdate: 3-6
Zodiac Sign: pieces
Best Friend: 3
Crush: why
Pet: 2 dogs
Sport: B-Ball,F-Ball
...::Have You Ever::...
Sky Dived: no
Bungee Jumped: no
Gone out of the Country: yes
Beaten Someone Up: no
Gotten Beat Up: no
Killed an Animal: no
Swam in the Ocean: no
Broke the Law: no
Smoked: no
Chewed Tobacco: no
Drank: maybe
Been Kissed: yes
Been In Love: no
Dumped Someone: yes
Been Dumped: no
Broken Someone's heart: not that i kno of
Had Your Heart Broken: no
Liked Someone Who Didn't Like You Back: yea
Broken A Bone: yes
Had Surgery: no
Had an X-ray or MRI: yes
Failed a Class: yes
Color: pink, black, red
Food: too many 2 name
Drink: orange
Snack: grapes
Cereal: fruit loops
Ice Cream: vanilla
Candy: resses
Restaurant: idk
Fast Food Place: idk
Store: don't have one
Animal: dogs
Quote: don't have one
Sport To Play: b-ball, f-ball
Sport To Watch: i don't like to watch i just like to play
Movie: too many to name
TV Show: bet,106 &park
Type Of Music: all except country
Band: don't have one
Singer: my mom
Song: stay
Pepsi or Coke: both
Vanilla or Chocolate: vanilla
Cake or Ice Cream: both
McDonalds or Burger King: mcdonalds
Love or Money: both
Music or TV: music
Cat or Dog: dog
Mom or Dad: both
Truck or Car: both
Ocean or Lake: neither
Yahoo or Hotmail: yahoo
Google or AJ: both
Light or Dark: doesn't matter
Country or City: both
Rain or Sunshine: both
...::The Opposite Sex::...
First Thing You Notice: smile
Personality or Looks: personality
Hair Color: black ( has to have real good hair)
Eye Color: doesn't matter
Short or Tall: tall
Romanic or Spontaneous: both
Sense of Humor or Sweet: both
Hook up or Relationship: relationships
Feeling: it depends
Listening To: everything and anything
Wanna: go to sleep
Doing Besides Typing: sleeping
Thinking About: why
Wearing: sexy jeans
In Love: no
Single: no
Best Friends: the whole crew in C.H.B
...::The Future::...
Career: navy
Marriage: yes
Kids: yes (3)
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