I'm easy going, open-minded, empathetic, compassionate, and somewhat introverted.
I was born in Santa Cruz, grew up in Kalamazoo, and currently reside in Miami.
I'm an informed member of the voting populace, and a registered Democrat. I support abortion rights/easy access to birth control, gay rights, universal health care, universal education (at all levels), stem cell research, fair trade, unionized labor, prison reform, environmental protection, class-based affirmative action, energy independence, reasonable gun control, immigration, marijuana legalization (medical and recreational), euthanasia (voluntary), comprehensive sex education, net neutrality, diplomacy over military action, and strict separation of church and state. I oppose capital punishment, the war on drugs, censorship (of any kind), school vouchers, and mandatory school prayer.
I am a huge music aficionado. Music that is stylistically diverse and can evoke a strong emotional response is what generally appeals to me. I don't disregard the importance of technical proficiency, but I consider emotional impact to be more significant.
I am not someone who is willing to sacrifice individuality for the approval or acceptance of others, regardless of the consequences. As I always say, "Accept me for who I am, not who you assume I'll be in the future."
I outright reject strict adherence to conventional notions of gender roles and behaviors. I don't believe they are innate, but learned through cultural and social conditioning.
I don't believe in the traditional concept of race; it's nothing more than a social construct that artificially divides human beings into distinct groups based on something as insignificant as physical characteristics. I feel that emphasizing certain differences (ethnicity, nationality, skin pigmentation) leads to major divisions, and that our focus needs to be directed more toward our commonalities.