I WOULD ENJOY MEETING ANYONE WHO IS CAPABLE OF HOLDING A DEEP AND INTELLECTUAL CONVERSATION. ANYONE WHO IS CAPABLE OF THINKING OUTSIDE THERE OWN WANTS AND DESIRES. ANYONE WHO FOLLOWS THERE HEART AND PASSIONS, AND WHOM IS NEVER SCARED OR SACRAFICES BEING THEMSELVES......A LIST OF PEOPLE WHOM I'D LIKE TO MEET IF IT WAS POSSIBLE:Socrates,Plato, Aristotle,Francis Bacon Rene Descartes John Locke Voltaire,Immanuel Kant Karl Marx,Friedrich Nietzsche,Marco Polo,James Cook,Ferdinand Magellan,Alexander the Great Julius Ceasar, Genghis Khan Napoleon Bonaparte Robert E. Lee,General Patton, Maynard James Keenen,Constantine,Queen Elizabeth I,George Washington,Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Winston Churchill,Franklin D. Roosevelt, Martin Luther King,Thomas Aquinas,Martin Luther, Sophocles,Virgil,Geoffrey Chaucer,William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens,Leo Tolstoy,Mark Twain,Nicolaus Copernicus,Galileo,Isaac Newton,Gregor Mendel,Joseph Lister,Sigmund Freud,Albert Einstein,Thomas Edison,Alexander Graham Bell,Archimedes,Thomas Aquanas,Saint Jerome,Zoroaster,Confucius,Yitzhak Rabin,Rabbi Yehuda HaNassi Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon,Rabbi Dovid Kimchi,The Chasam,Sofer,Rabbi Moshe Feinstein,Nostradamus,Rasputin,Harry Houdini,Leonardo da Vinci,Sandro Botticelli,St.Joan of Arc,Immanuel Kant,Rene Descartes,,Mohammad ali,rocky marciano,Jack Johnson,David Ho, Salvidor Dali,Rembrandt,Andy Warhol,Carl Sagon,Stephen Hawking,Brett Farve,Pharaoh's; Horus Aha,Qa'a,Inyotef I,Khufu,Unas,Salitis,Amenemhet I,and Ramesses II aka RamessesThe Great,Caesar's;Augustus,Tiberius,Vespasian,Hadrian,Antoninus Pius..AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST. JESUS..!!!.....