“"If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?â€
Some Stuff about me............I am an Aquarius with 3 planets in Pisces, I love those two signs.Mother of 5 children wife of one man hahaha.
If I had to describe my own self I would say I tend to have my head in the clouds ALOT. I am dreamy , ethereal and am a very big advocate of "The minds true liberation" Free to be you and me sort of thought. I love self expression In myself and encourage it in others, And find my favorite outlets for this are
Play time
and Nature
A few things I love.............
My family
Music music music!
Most all forms of Art
Art Galleries
The Ocean is my favorite place to be.
Dolphins and Whales
Breezy days
Good Books
Nag Champa
Unincorporated Shops
Triple Soy White Chocolate Mochas
Old People
Bugs & Butterflies
Old Garden Gnomes
Lazy Days
Big Sunglasses
Funky Purses
Boots & Funky Hats
Cool Pillows
Children's Art
Talking with my best friend on the phone for hours
Dreaming (awake or asleep)
Thrift Stores
Airplane take offs and landings
Tarot Readings
Magic moments
Contemplating Life death and the universe............
And writing down my favorite things :)
Roller coasters
I love all kinds of poetry, but Life affirming Poems of Love and living life to it's most fullest are my favorite....
Like Mary Oliver
Walt Whitman
The warrior of light behaves like a child. People are shocked; they have forgotten that a child needs to have fun and to play, to be slightly irreverent and to ask awkward, childish questions, to talk nonsense that not even he believes in. And they say, horrified: ‘So this is the spiritual path, is it? He’s so immature!’ The warrior feels proud of such comments. And he remains in touch with God through his innocence and his joy, without ever losing sight of his mission. - Paulo Coelho
You Should Get An All Over Tattoo
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