About Me
honest, creative, social, funny, friendly, passionate guy in love with writing, music, literature, poetry, art, film and what's furthermore dear to his passionate taste :xxx----
i've studied law and philosophy at maastricht university and graduated in 1999; majoring in both studies.
before i came to work in the cultural and editorial field i gained productional expierence as seminar manager for vermande/sdu - one of the leading dutch legal publishers
i am co-owner of kletter , together with peter bijl
creative concepting & campaigning company kletter presents its own original projects:
- mitte bitte! festival (utrecht, nl)
(curated and programmed by kletter)
- flachland festival (berlin, de)
(curated and produced by peter bijl (kletter))
- noise central festival (utrecht/groningen/tilburg, nl)
(a halcyon production (featuring: sven schlijper (kletter), marcel de cocq & inge visser)
- le salon d'esprit (utrecht, nl)
(a halcyon production (featuring sven schlijper (kletter), marcel de cocq & inge visser)
- culturele zondag "niemandsland" (utrecht. nl)
(curated by peter bijl (kletter), co-produced by kletter)
and also:
- sven schlijper (kletter) programmes a part of the experimental, industrial and (neo)folk programme for summer darkness festival 2009
i am co-programmer/creative producer/copywriter/on-site producer with willem van zeeland
in several cultural productions such as:
- culturele zondag "de literaire zoo" (15 march 2009, utrecht, nl)
- culturele zondag "de muzikale botenparade" (2 augustus 2009, utrecht, nl)
- opening beeldenpark leidsche rijn, 2009(utrecht, nl)
- dutch design double 2010 (amsterdam/utrecht, nl)
- noorderslag/eurosonic 2010 festival seminars (groningen, nl)
- lowlands literary programme 2009 (lowlands festival, biddinghuizen, nl)
- lowlands university (on-site production) 2009 (lowlands festival, biddinghuizen, nl)
- uithof festival 2010 (utrecht, nl)
and furthermore (future, current and past):
- noorderslag/eurosonic 2009 / 2010 festival and seminar (groningen, nl)
- lowlands literary programme 2008 / 2009 (lowlands festival, biddinghuizen, nl)
- lowlands bookstore 2007 / 2008 / 2009 (lowlands festival, biddinghuizen, nl)
- lowlands university 2008 / 2009 (lowlands festival, biddinghuizen, nl)
- gorilla's @ lowlands festival 2008 (lowlands festival, biddinghuizen, nl)
- freedesigndom 2008 / 2009, utrecht, nl
- president's night 2009 @ melkweg, amsterdam, nl
- power of plots 2008 / 2009 @ melkweg, amsterdam, nl
- manuscripta 2008 / 2009 @ westergasfabriek, amsterdam, nl
- religieus erfgoed 2008 / 2009 (utrecht, nl)
and much more to come still...
as per my motto, always: you just ain't seen nothing yet!
i am a freelance writer/journalist/editor
as such i am, amongst other projects, currently working as:
- writer for the smashing pumpkins 2008 - 2009 (chicago, il, usa)
- currently working on a radioshow for kink fm - a night of nine inch nails; to co-incide with the 'wave goodbye 1989-2009' tour / final dutch performance, summer 2009 (amsterdam / hilversum, nl)
- editor in chief and journalist for sapsite (the cultural youth magazine of the utrecht uitburo) 2007 - 2009 (utrecht, nl)
- editor in chief and journalist for ckvsite 2007 - 2009 (utrecht, nl)
- copywriter for tivoli concert venue 2007 - 2009 (utrecht, nl)
- copywriter and co-programmer for summer darkness festival 2005 - 2009 (utrecht, nl)
- writer for nl30/nl20/the nl-magazines 2008 - 2009 (utrecht / amsterdam, nl)
- copywriter for cybercase bookings and management 2007 - 2009 (nation wide, nl)
- music journalist and critic for kindamuzik 2001 - 2009 (nation wide, nl / bel)
- writer for lowlands programmakrant and lowlands daily paradise 2007 - 2009 (nation wide, nl)
my other freelance work includes:
- music director/recorder for vpro's 3voor12.nl 2006 - 2009 (internationally broadcast per the internet)
- lecturer and assesor at roc midden nederland | npac 2008 - 2009 (utrecht, nl)
- programmer/producer/artistic muse for uncanny media 2008 (utrecht, nl and beyond! as per the 'vibes' created from this first edition!) and more events likewise with my lovely i. at universiteit utrecht and beyond, still to come!
i have previously contributed to:
nos journaal | nos headlines, lowlands programmakrant, lowlands daily paradise, oor, nieuwe revu, depers, cbk apeldoorn's "zwart" art project, spfreaks.com, kinkfm radio, 42.5 radio and 3voor12/utrecht.
kletter has previously produced for:
tivoli, ekko, festival de beschaving, tweetakt festival, lowlands festival, lowlands bookstore, festival de parade, culturele zondagen utrecht, counter culture festival, numoon festival, numoonlab, numoonsong, manuscripta, 3voor12/utrecht, stichting utracks et al...
make sure to also check out my dear friends of:
- the drone/darkambient project machinist & industrial passage ; always looking for gigs! so get in touch with the guys!!!
- and watch the space of my long time dear dear dear and close mates's band a few rooms with their anticipated debut album released now! also- book them when you have a free spot! they rock!
- plus: pay a visit to the webspace of this totally brilliant uk-act called babyslave , featuring david with whom i recorded my very first ever true 'composition' on record ever, which came about through nothing but true divine and spiritual intervention and energy connecting!
- and also: check out the heart felt music and passion my dear soul mate/brother mark produces with his band androgene collective , and please grant this awesome act a stage to perform its true spiritual sonic bliss with all energy due given in positive action!!!
my top 10 favorite albums of all time
01 my bloody valentine - loveless
02 the velvet underground & nico - the velvet underground & nico
03 joy division - unknown pleasures
04 sonic youth - daydream nation
05 david bowie - low
06 tom waits - swordfishtrombones
07 radiohead - kid a
08 the smiths - meat is murder
09 the cure - disintegration
10 dj shadow - entroducing