Silence the Foe profile picture

Silence the Foe

Album of the year Shaking Hallelujah out now!

About Me

We grew up with Nirvana, you with Silence the Foe, happy for you we're not dead yet!
Information about Silence the Foe
Silence the foe hail from the year 2000. In its beginning years, the band played more shows across the Norwegian national borders than within. In contradiction to many other bands, Silence the Foe began their path totally oblivious to the art of handling a musical instrument. They just had an extreme urge to play in a band as the cool boys did with their tattoos, shades and tight pants. But, with their no clue what so ever about making their instruments sounding good, they had to place all their effort and energy into madness and making themselves an interesting display on stage. Frenetic live shows became the bands strongest hand. Whether or not people liked the music was non important. The kids came to see their shows anyway. It was quite simply deadly to watch! Its no wonder female audience often says that they get horny enjoying the spectacle of Silence the Foe on stage. Maybe the boys in Silence the Foe have waggling bellies. But how to seduce girls with their rural dance moves and sweat sputtering headbanging, they know!
As time went by and after numerous concerts, the bandmembers began to master their instruments. Other people who actually could play where also included. This is how the fantastic Lionheart Brothers became a mutual part of Silence the Foe. For The Lionheart Brothers, a lot of it was about letting the Idiot out of one self. When other bands is all concerned about musical integrity, Silence the Foe price their focus on the bright side of life and the joy of childish playfulness from the slow early mornings to the eccentric hours after dark. It is the essence of this contradiction which makes it so interesting. That Silence the Foe takes pride in their musical intelligence is blatantly obvious. But, on the same time they see life not too seriously and themselves informal. They therefore soon forget to fall into the conventional aggressive performances of hard music. As an all-over tattooed, German stereotype hardcore dude in the middle of German hardcore land said after seeing Silence the Foe: you guys are so happy. You are not hardcore, you guys are femi hardcore. Silence the Foe is therefore the proud founder of the terms happy hardcore or femi-hardcore.
Maybe this is why the conventional hardcore enthusiasts back in Norway have chosen to reject Silence the Foe as a full-worthy hardcore band. Not that Silence the Foe gives a damn. You see, the band decided many years ago that the traditional rules within the terms of hardcore must be challenged. The band walks its own musical path. Call it rock, punk or hardcore. Silence the Foe will not label them selves one-dimensional. They leave that to the critics. But the fact that Silence the Foe consist of three guitars and percussion as an addition to the drums, it is stupid not to realize that Silence the Foe must be experienced! Both live and on the record!
In spite of Silence the Foes long life time and far over 100 concerts played, the record Shaking Hallelujah is the bands debut full-length album. Shaking Hallelujah mirrors the personality of the band. It is about joy over life, self irony (idiocy) and smiling to old women with blue hair and bingo equipment under their arms. In other words: Shaking Hallelujah is simply a party record. And the party will has roared at its worst as the album was released in Scandinavia the 24th of April 2006 on Playground Music. Hopefully other fine labels will find their interest in releasing this firecracking record. Put your party clothes on, bring friends and run to your local record shop and the STF release concerts. Silence the Foe guaranty pure euphoria!
Shaking Hallelujah reviews:
Prick Magazine . "Pop music for people who kiss their chainsaws goodnight." Patricia
Dagbladet "Liker du Melvins, Shellac eller Blood Brothers? Kjør på." Torgrim Øyre
Dagsavisen "Med denne platen - en 36 minutter komprimert og kompromissløs energiutblåsning - tar de rett og slett skrittet inn i den nordiske førstedivisjonen for alternativ rock" Mode Steinkjer
Aftenposten "selv om bandet har hentet frem urkraften i hardcor'en, går de ikke av veien for å groove litt også." Cecilie Asker
Adresseavisen "I det ene øyeblikket rives du med av låtenes enkelhet, i det neste blir du sittende og måpe over detaljrikdommen i lydbildet" Kai Kristiansen.
Trønder Avisa "Det er svett, det er intenst, det er energisk. Enkelt og greit: Det er Silence the Foe." Espen Storhaug
Drammens Tidene "Rock på sitt beste" Øyvind R. Gundersen
"STF innfrir forventningene." Hugo Eriksen
Rogalands Avis "Anbefales!" Leif Tore Lindø
"Et av vårens absolutte høydepunkt på platefronten." Rune Aas
Moss Avis "Det er lett å ty til et forslitt uttrykk som kraftutblåsning, men her er det for en gangs skyld lite annet som passer." Pål Andreassen
4,5/6 "Silence the Foe tar norsk hardcore til nye høyder" Jørgen Garmann
Vårt Land "Shaking Hallelujah er proppet av gode låter" Salomon Lidal
Utropia "Shaking Hallelujah er i alle fall et bunnsolid statement på at STF er et band å regne med." Andreas Myrvold
Sweet Sweet Suicide reviews:
Hussieskunk . Also check the media section for a (almost) complete list of reviews. "Hopefully, "Sweet Sweet Suicide" is only the tip of the iceburg for what is to come from this incredible band that has played all over Northern Europe, and has arrived in the States with this fire breathing record" MG
A+ Evil Needles "My favorite CD of 2006" Patricia
3/4 Decapolis "I heard good things...were they true?Indeed they were!" Even Stanak
4,5/5 Crapfilter "Crank your stereo, sing-along, and start moshing it up. A superb hardcore release." Justin Charles Charlan
Punknews "Sweet Sweet Suicide is a rather revolutionary-sounding release, and while mentions of a Fugazi/Refused hybrid should get plenty weak in the knees, this is the just the tip of the iceberg, seemingly." Brian
8/10 Gothtronic "A release worth looking out for!" Nanhold
Adresseavisen "FÃ¥ denne ep-en i hus, for dette er lyden av et band i rivende utvikling og kreativ toppform." Vegard Enlid
Spot "Med sin nye EP Sweet Sweet Suicide raser Silence the Foe opp i den norske hardcorehimmelen og inntar tronen ved JR Ewings høyre hånd" Henrik Salthe
Backstage "Bakoversveis!" Hugo Eriksen
5,5/6 Musiq "Fytti hællvette mann! Jeg har akkurat opplevd en 13 minutters rockeorgasme!" Rune Mentzoni
..quot;" Aftenposten "Tenk JR Ewing møter and you will know us by the trail of dead - ja, så bra er det." Harald Fossberg
Dagbladet "Sweet Sweet Suicide”, er noe av det beste jeg har hørt på lenge." Lars Eirik Eide
Bergens Tidene "...gir kvalitetsassosiasjoner til Refused og Raised Fist" Lars Holger Ursin
Panorama "Stikkordene er dramatikk, villskap og disiplinert kaos." Frode Jørum
Natt&Dag "Lengre unna urban chillout kafèmusikk kommer du ikke, men nærmere Gud kommer du neppe." Per-Ola Rike
Rockeweb "...noe av råeste og mest aggressive som noen gang er presentert på en norsk skive." Rock Engh Roll
Trønder Avisa "en overdose av fengende hardcore!" Robert Hoven
Puls "Knivskarp hardcore som fillerister deg fra start til mål. Dette er utvilsomt et av de mest spennende bandene i Norge for øyeblikket" Trond Anders Fossum

My Interests


Member Since: 4/14/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Anders Voldrønning - vocal
Roland Livar Kjenstad - guitar
Marcus Forsgren - guitar & bgv (The Lionheart Brothers,Serena Maneesh)
Arnbjørn Joar Styrkor Marklund - bass & bgv
Peter Rudolfsen - drums (The Lionheart Brothers)

X foes:
Audun Storset- guitar & bgv (The Lionheart Brothers)
Frantz Jørgen Andreassen - percussion (The Lionheart Brothers)
Thomas Øvrevik - drums (Desperado)

The most important band member is you:

You are now marked on my profile visitor map!

Anita Wisløff - [email protected]
Sara Bjørklund


Silence the Foe - I Killed the Last Punk (German Release Version) - Directed by J.P.Selbekk

Silence the Foe - Playing with the old me - Directed by Helmet Productions

Silence the Foe - I Killed the Last Punk - Directed by J.P.Selbekk

Silence the Foe - Chaotic Mind - Directed by Marcus Hukkelås

Silence the Foe - As the Holy Spirit carries me like Angels (Live) - Directed by J.P.Selbekk

Silence The Foe er en tornado, både i spilleren hjemme og på scenen. Mange år med intens øving, flere Europaturnéer, og opptredener både på Quart, Øya og By:Larm har gitt dem deres velfortjente rykte: Dette er et liveband man ikke vil gå glipp av!

Some live reviews:

Øyafestivalen 2004
8/10 in Metal Hammer!!!
"Silence the Foe have energetically emerged from the Norwegian underground with a stringent sound capable of rivalling kindred shit-kickers on an international scale. Donning dustmasks and epileptic expressions, the Trondheim quintet have melodic metal down-pat and a schizophrenic stage show to set them in goog stead." Out-takes from Live reviews from the Norwegian Øya Festival, written by Rosanna Slater, Metal Hammer November 2004.

Hulen, Bergen 2004
"Mine forventninger til denne konserten med Zoom vinnerne Silence the Foe er ganske store etter å ha rost fjorårets ep-utgivelse Melancholy Street i forrige utgave av Mute. Heldigvis blir alle forhåpninger om møljedansende menneskesammensmelting av hyttende never og hoppende svettedråper, lenker og naglebelter bekreftet når bandet beviser seg som den musikalske trankapselen de er. Silence the Foe angrep ørevoksen min med bånntung og melodisk "Femi Hardcore" herved varmt anbefalt også i livesammenheng." Pål Flodin, Mute

Namsos Rockfestival 2006
"Må høres - og sees, Sammensetninga av fengende rytmer, spektakulær sceneopptreden og nærkontakt av tredje grad med publikum, gjør bandet rett og slett morsomt å se på. Det har vokalist Anders Voldrønning en stor del av æren for, med sin femi og sprudlende sceneatferd." Kine Westvik, Namdals Avisa

"Kvalitetssikret energirush, I motsetning til mange andre i hardcore-sjangeren, er STF blottet for selvhøytidlighet. Det skyldes først og fremst vokalist Anders Voldrønning, som flørter uhemmet med sitt publikum, og som har en scenepersonlighet rock-Norge ikke har maken til!" Kai Kristiansen, Adresseavisen

Markens, Kristiansand
"Så kom Silence the foe. Herregud for en energibombe av ett band, musikalsk sett lander de på publikum som et tonn murstein. Jeg har aldri sett en trommis være sintere på ridecymbalen sin. Silence the foe hadde publikum med seg fra start til slutt og viste utrolig god samspilthet. Bandet spiller hard pun rock uten nedepartier i det hele tatt og med kjappe overganger som treffer. Gutta virket å ha oppriktig gøy på scenen og viste genuin spilleglede.” Erlend Sørensen, Stimuli


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Record Label: STF Records (World Wide)
Guideline Records (EU)
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


dear friends...we have a brand new music video to the song "I Killed the Last Punk" this is the german version of the video since we will release our album "Shaking Hallelujah" in germany the 8th of m...
Posted by Silence the Foe on Tue, 27 Mar 2007 09:36:00 PST

Album available in Germany and EU

Hi all beautiful menchen!We are very happy today! Do you know why? Well... Our album is finally available in Germany and surrounding territories. And do you know why? That´s because we have signed a d...
Posted by Silence the Foe on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 04:14:00 PST

Best of 2006

We´re the best in 2006, at least some thought so and that always makes us very happy.Number one in evilneedles: click here for complete list.Also represented in the best in 2006 list in Vårt Land: cli...
Posted by Silence the Foe on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 04:06:00 PST

Review of Shaking Hallelujah in Prick magazine!

...With a blatant disregard for key, convention and eardrums, you might call STF's Shaking Hallelujah pop music for people who kiss their chainsaws goodnight. Wailing, out of tune screams, firecracker...
Posted by Silence the Foe on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 04:04:00 PST

Hussieskunk has reviewed our EP!!!

Hussieskunk has reviewed our EP!!!Hopefully, "Sweet Sweet Suicide" is only the tip of the iceburg for what is to come from this incredible band that has played all over Northern Europe, and has arrive...
Posted by Silence the Foe on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 03:34:00 PST

this is the SHXX!!!

many new pictures of silence the foe at our homepage www.silencethefoe.comnew pictures and some really old from the early years, hehe -enjoy enjoy,and please leave us a comment in the guestbook:)we ar...
Posted by Silence the Foe on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 11:13:00 PST

Bye bye boogie and future carreer statement

Our beloved members Frantz Andreassen and Audun Storset have decided to leave the STF camp. We wish them tons of luck with focusing 100% on The Lionheart Brothers, education and job. It´s also without...
Posted by Silence the Foe on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 11:18:00 PST

Shaking Hallelujah on Itunes Music Store

Our album is finally out on iTunes Music Store in Scandinavia/Europe through Playground Music. Click here to go directly to the album (requires iTunes of course)! Lujo Records will release our album i...
Posted by Silence the Foe on Sun, 20 Aug 2006 08:52:00 PST


Thanks to all the people that came to see us at the Seaside festival and Storås. We had a great time!Next up is Øyafestivalen and Frizon Festival for those who live in Sweden!Make sure you enjoy the s...
Posted by Silence the Foe on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 11:58:00 PST

Top feature in Uprise Zine .4

Silence The Foe is the top band featured in Uprise Zine issue 4 under the column "European Spotlight."Whoppa!
Posted by Silence the Foe on Wed, 31 May 2006 04:50:00 PST