Lovers, People who can read and write..hehe..Technoheadz,Ravers,Intelligent Peeps,ANYONE IN MY AREA THATS COOL!!! oh and Swiss women...hehe...(gotta Luv the accents)! Anyone really... Musicians, computer friendly people, anyone with a sense of how this world and the gov't is f**ing us up the a**...i am a laid back kind of person, i love the musik scene with a few friends wait, now that i am in southern FL!!! COME ON & INVITE ME OUT!!! Nah, i LOVE movies i am a big movie guy...Just don't ask to be my friend if Ur scarey (i dont like gothic, scarey people, i get nightmarez)...Or Even played out wanna be gangesters, you don't have to act tough in front of me, i have never,ever been in a fight in my entire 29 years of existence! I am just a hipster....Chameleons need not who you are... And LOVE WHO U ARE!! LIVE TO LOVE, LOVE TO LIVE!!! -Thanx for even reading all my rantings... -PIf you want to contact me .. my email is [email protected]. Plain & Simple--to all you peeps, i am just a normal guy, very perseptive, "i believe you learn more about a person by watching them, then listening to what they have to say" and am sick of the wannabe's in the electrical buisness with an AWESOME salary. I just haven't had any love in awhile... I am very nice, polite and really into people and i never shut-up.... My one friend told me to go on this site and post some rantings so here it is... This my space thing is cool, but peeps with pride so big that they can't even walk in the door need not apply...Also Since i have just about every audio program and a supersweet computer, i can fix people's broken computers with my eyes closed, and sodler Circuitry like nothing, so if you want to trade computer parts or just geek out with Computer Intergrated Musical Arts.... Then i am your man...**FOR U WOMEN** if you want to show me the new southern florida!!!! Then, NO WORRIES!!! i dont try anything crazy. i would love a grand tour AGAIN...ranting again...L8r Folks... Thanx again!!!! ---Peace---