allow meh to introduce myself ;; dhee name is tiffany j. &+ if yu haven't heard by now, she's one a bad ass chick.
-sittinq pretty at fifthteen. exploded onto dha scene 070594. &+ it wusz evident dhat dha qame would forever be chanqed. born in jamaica &+ rasied in dha qreat state of new york and she qot dhee swaq to prove it. now i rest my jordans in south florida.
mixed w/ jamaican/CUBan. i walk dha halls of olympic hiqh school, now as a sophmere. reppin' dha class of da defintion of a SNEAKERHEAD -currently i'm sinqle. i'm an i.n.d.e.p.e.n.d.e.n.t female ; who whould love to have a real ass niqquh in her life ; but don't qet it twisted, i don't need one. i'm usually very friendly // nice ; but don't take the kindness as a weakness.
because i can be a huqe bitch .. if it's nesscary. i'm a down-to-earth chick w/ endless qoals &+ biq dreams.
a new breed of female. truly one of a kind. -questions?This profile was pimped out at
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