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CHILD NOT 4-SALE/WEEPING MOTHER'S STORY ********************************************************** .. .. ... ..
.. ..After we arrived, Dr. Buchenwald asked permission to perform research tests on Kenny. I was skeptical. Kenny's breathing was getting worse. A nurse stood over his bed with an Ambu bag. She pushed in breaths of air for him, when the oxygen saturation level dropped too low. I was not allowed to see him, or was I allowed to go into the I.C.U. without permission. But the door was unguarded and I had to see my baby. So I just walked in behind someone else. And I saw his condition. I saw the nurse by his bed and she complained to me that she was being made to stand over his bed, while pushing in puffs of air for him, yet no ventilator machine was being used yet. She was very frustrated. How close to death he was. It would be too risky for research tests, I thought. Then my husband and I were called to a meeting immediately with Dr. Buchenwald who said that Kenny would die soon, if we did not agree to the tests. Dr. Buchenwald and Dr. Ravensbruck were very authoritive with us. They were teachers of medical students. They said unless we agreed to the research testing, they would not put a ventilator on Kenny and they would let him die. Kenny's life hung in the balance. So my husband decided to sign the release, agreeing to the testing. Kenny had total normal brain function and was smart and alert. He watched medical workers scurry around him to prepare him. A tube was put in his airway and the ventilator was put on to do the breathing for him. After the ventilator was placed on him, tests were performed. The testing showed Kenny had Spinal Muscular Atrophy disease. He was profoundly paralyzed with Werdnig Hoffman, the severest type. There was no cure. Then, Dr. Buchenwald said, "Any child that cannot run, walk or play, should not live." Poor and orphaned children are seen in much the same way. As useless lives that serve no purpose. So they are preyed upon by pimps and the Mafia, to be used in prostitution. Many die within a year. "Kenny will be a burden on society," Dr. Buchenwald said. "Take the ventilator off and let him die." Then a group of doctors took a vote. Dr. Auschwitz, Dr. Buchenwald and Dr. Ravensbruck were there, among other doctors. They all agreed, without one dissenting vote, that Kenny should die. But they could not do it, without the parents signed permission. And both my husband and I, refused to sign. We believed Kenny's life was created with a purpose. That he had importance and value to God.Kenny's life would be shown to be more important over time, than many people realized then. Jesus said, "There is no greater love, than to lay down your life for a friend." Later, I felt God wanted me to tell the doctors, that God had another plan for Kenny's life. So I did. I told Dr. Auschwitz. Dr. Auschwitz said there were many roads to God, not just mine. I replied and said that, "The road to heaven is narrow and few find it. Jesus said, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father, except by Me." The doctor disagreed with me. The doctors held long, high-pressured meetings with us. Sometimes for two hours long! But we would not give up. A child's life has more value and is worth fighting for! They are worth more, than any amount of money. Later, a nurse decided to end Kenny's life herself.**************************************************** ********.... ..
.. ..Then a nurse, whom I had never seen before, came into Kenny's room one night. I was behind a curtian washing my hands. She didn't see me there. As I watched, she broke with sterile procedure. I didn't understand medical procedures at the time and I never saw the nurse again. Soon after, Kenny came down with life threatening pnuemonia. Some may call it a 'Mercy Killing,' but it's really judging the value of a life. A wealthy or healthy child would not be treated the same way. Then Dr. Livingstone and a good nurse, took me aside and showed me tests confirming a type of pnuemonia, that had been caused by cross contamination. That is, someone had crossed the mucus from Kenny's nose and put it into his lungs. Kenny began dying. Dr. Livingstone said to call Kenny's father, so he could say goodbye. .. .. ..
.. ..When Kenny's father heard what happened, he knelt down by Kenny's bedside. After praying about an hour, Kenny's fever and pnuemonia suddenly left. The church had put a sign over Kenny's bed. It read, "We love you Baby Kenny." The church members had signed it. The battle was not over yet! IT HAD JUST BEGUN. Today, many women and children are dying. They are dying from the disease of porn and prostitution. God has another plan. These lives are important to God. ************************************************************ * .. ..
....Later, I was praying in the hospital chapel and these words came to me. I felt God say, "The battle's not yours, it's Mine." I had a great sense of peace come over me then. .. ....
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.. ..We are thankful to all the medical workers, doctors and nurses who did commit to helping Kenny at Children's Hospital L.A. They are highly caring, skilled and qualified workers. Many children would not survive without them. And thanks to the congregation of Hacienda Christian Fellowship in Hacienda Heights, California, and to Pastor Romero, for all their support. Two years later, I left Kenny in a nurse's care, while I went grocery shopping. After I left, the nurse took the ventilator off Kenny. And he began dying. But as I was shopping, I felt God say to me, "Go home immediately!" So I raced home. ************************************************************ ....
.. ..I saw the ventilator had been removed. Kenny was sheet white and near death by that time. I begun to push in breaths with the Ambu Bag. I put the ventilator back on, but it was too late. The paramedics arrived and said Kenny's heart was about to take it's last beat. He was put into the ambulance then. Sirens blasted in the neighborhood as the ambulance raced to the hospital. As I sat next to Kenny. all the words that had been spoken to me came back and they pierced my heart like a spear. Kenny died then. His body turned from white to grey. The paramedics had already phoned the Emergency Room, saying he would be "expired on arrival." Then, ************************************************************ .. .. ..
.. ..Kenny would be pronounced dead at the hospital. I shut my eyes and prayed. And said, "God, I ask you one more time to save Kenny. Amen." As I opened my eyes, to my astonishment, all the color suddenly came back to Kenny's lifeless body! His eyes opened up and he began looking around! A paramedic started shouting! "He came back! He came back! I can't believe it, He came back!" God had done a miracle before our eyes. .. .. ..
.. .. But Kenny was still paralyzed. Later, he was sent home from the hospital. As time passed, we felt God say to us, 'Go to Oklahoma.' We found out later, that Tulsa Oklahoma was the Center of the Bible Belt in the United States. We moved to Oklahoma. We continued to pray and to stand with faith in God for Kenny. A church called Victory Christian Center, helped us grow strong in our faith. They helped us to believe, against all odds. And they never gave up. Many thanks for their love and support. It is good to be surrounded by a christian family during times of trouble. The most faithful and well known in christian media and television also prayed for Kenny, many times over, during 16 years. Today in America, God has become like Santa Claus. God is seen as a Bell Boy, that He should hop at our every beck and call. God does miracles, but Jesus didn't teach this way. Jesus said, "Take up your cross and follow Me." The cross represents a life of suffering and sacrifice. No matter the outcome, real Faith is shown by giving, not by getting-Selah.Kenny was close to turning 17 years old, when I was praying for him one day. Some had said Kenny was paralyzed because he was cursed. Some said it was demons. Some said it was our lack of faith in God. But I had come to forgive these misunderstandings. The Bible is full of the stories of mankinds trouble. In the Hall of Faith, of Hebrews 13, while half are delivered, the other half died to recieve their eternal glory. One day, I felt my prayers went straight up to the throne of God in heaven and something was released. I felt my prayer was answered. Then I sensed angels rejoicing in heaven! How wonderful! I thought, "maybe Kenny will be healed soon! He will get well and live a normal life!" And I got very excited then. Imagining him well, healed and whole. Then, two days later, on April 9th, 2008 at 12:02 am, Kenny's heart stopped and he entered into heaven. "There is no greater love," Jesus said, "than to lay down your life for a friend.....and I have called you friends." Jesus had laid down His life for us. And He called us to lay down our life for others. We had laid down our own lives for years, to care for Kenny. We sacrificed our time, our love and our finances. Kenny's life shows how God values one human life to a much higher degree, than human minds can understand.To find out more about God and how much your life is worth, visit www.victory.comKENNY STORY WAS REPORTED ABOUT IN THE INLAND VALLEY DAILY BULLETIN, in SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, IN 1992. ************************************************************ A Disease is a pathological condition from a infection, genetic defect or environmental stress. A disease is also a condition of tendency as a society, regarded as abnormal or harmful. Porn and prostitution is a disease.