Imperium des Tenebras profile picture

Imperium des Tenebras

...And darkness was upon the face of the deep...

About Me

La banda es formada con el nombre de "Hell Dominion"a comienzos del año 2006, por Diego Arias (voz) y Alejandro Perdomo(guitarra), a este proyecto se unieron; Sergio Sarmiento(Bajo) y Sebastian Morales(bateria). Durante esta primera etapa la banda se caracterizo por un sonido crudo influenciado por el Black Metal puro. En cuanto a sus liricas se debatian entre la misantropia y el anticristianismo, de este modo estaban dirigidas a atacar los dogmas y doctrinas influyentes en el pensamiento y la conducta del ser humano. Luego en el año 2008 la banda cambia su nombre a "Imperium des Tenebras", evoluciona cambiando su estilo crudo en un sonido mas tecnico y atmosferico, en esta etapa ingresan: Felipe Roa(Bajo) y Camilo Daza(Guitarra Lider). En cuanto a su ideologia ahora se influencia por la mitologia y la literatura. Asi pues la banda se ve inspirada en los ambientes de maestros como: H.P Lovecraft, E.A Poe, Lord Byron, Sheridan Le Fanu, entre otros; de este mismo modo se inspira en leyendas esotericas de civilisaciones antiguas como; mitos sumerios-babilonicos,greco-romanos y precolombinos. Actualmente la banda esta en la producion de su primer trabajo y moviendose dentro de la escena nacional.The band is formed in early 2006 by Diego Arias (voice) and Alejandro Perdomo (guitar), joined to this project, Sergio Sarmiento (Bass) and Sebastian Morales (drums). During this first stage the band is characterized by the sound raw Black Metal influenced by the strain. As for his lyrics was discussed among the anti-Christianity and Misanthropy. Then in 2008 the band change their style evolved into a raw and atmospheric sound more technical at this stage enter: Felipe Roa (Bass) and Camilo Daza (Guitar). As for his ideology is now influenced by the mythology and literature. So the band is inspired by masters like: HP Lovecraft, EA Poe, Lord Byron, Sheridan Le Fanu, among others, this was similarly inspired by esoteric legends of ancient civilizations;Sumerian, Babylonian myths, Greek,Roman and South American. [email protected] Imperium des Tenebras live Woman of dark desires Bathory Cover

Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests


Member Since: 29/11/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Lord Volkolac- Vocals, Keyboards and lyricsCarnivean- GuitarLeviathan- BassKamilo Sick- GuitarFeretro- Drums
Influences: Cradle of filth,Emperor, Belphegor,ChthoniC ,Mayhem,Tyrant, Burzum,DarkThrone,Bathory,Mactatus,Bishop of Hexen......Imperium des Tenebras live,The principle of evil made flesh. Cradle of Filth Cover
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Souls together by ancient spells, split to Asia

Souls together by ancient spells, is entitled the new split with Brabazom from Malasya.Producted by kvlt666 productions (Malasya)
Posted by on Sat, 12 Dec 2009 11:15:00 GMT

...from oniscence darknes till the night of the times, split to Russia

...from omniscence darknes till the night of the times. Is entitled the new split with Empire Satanicum from Russia. Producted by Desolation productions (Russia)
Posted by on Sat, 12 Dec 2009 11:09:00 GMT