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About Me

I edited my profile at . check out these awesome Myspace Layouts!

I set up this Myspace because im sick of wannabe people thinking there the part, when really they aren't. Calling people "Plastic???", W.T.F! As seen on the S.A.P.S website, they hate the fact that people want to look there best and give a clean feeling to other people in the English society! They say WE take pictures of ourselves to much, knob heads, look at there myspace, they say they do it because there taking the piss out of "Plastic" people, no, they do it because they are geeks who have nothing better to do. I say "GO AND SLIT YOUR WRISTS!" What cloths do you wear again??? Oh yeh, the same as ours, the only difference is that we look good in them! So people who care about there apperance ADD me today and go against the S.A.P.S

My Interests

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