*LiZ* profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am, officially, one of those people I make fun of. I am probably the BIGGEST dork i know. (not a lie) My friends say that i'm weird, but I'm not. They are. I have a brother who is in the army. He is over in Iraq right now. I think and worry about him all the time. I love him more then he even knows. I guess thats what older sisters do. I love The CLeveland Browns!! (they might not be the best but they will always have my heart!!! super bowl here we come! ha!) Hell i just love football!! kinda sorta like baseball... actually not going to lie i just like drinking and going to Indians games just makes for a good excuse! I have a lot of things hidding underneath that nobody knows. To hide from pain you need to live to love to learn... what part of this i have not been getting? i don't know. Your either on the bus or off the bus. People say they know REAL life, well try walking a day in my shoes and tell me that you really DO know REAL life and then i'll just laugh at you and take my shoes back. It requires a very unusual mind to under take the analysis of the obvious. Feeling stimulated in life is very important. I sing really load in the car by myself with the windows down, and if the song is just right i'll dance too. For some reason I am infactuated with people watching. its one of my favorite things to do. I tend to get drunk alone at home. I'm a cautious perfectionist procrastinator who believes with great risk, anything can happen. Self destruction on a daily basis intoxication is only an oasis. I am a girl with a dog. I have poor spelling skills. I am an Opinionated, motivated, intelectual girl. I love too quote movies. I love coffee. Its the small things in life that really matter. I am a living example that being happy does not mean you are a flake. I am not materialistic but i like nice things. Wait, i might be some what materialistic. People are unreasonable, illogical and self-centered. Love them anyway. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Do good anyway. If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies. Succeed anyway. The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable. Be honest and frank anyway. The biggest person with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest person with the smallest mind. Think big anyway. What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build anyway. People really need help but may attack if you help them. Help people anyway. Give the world the best you have and you might get kicked in the teeth. Give the world the best you've got anyway. I have never once learned my lesson. I make bad decisions and deal with them. I am trying not to let people know too much about me b/c i have done that too many times. I want to own an Alpaca farm someday. I have done so much with my life and still have soo much to do. I entertain myself, always. I love going out with my girls and getting out of control. I work hard and party harder. I will have a good time anywhere. I make sure my friends have a good time as well. My girls and I know how to throw down a show down. I don't sleep much and when i do i feel like i'm missing out on something. I don't really know where i'm going in life but i am going to have fun getting there. I have learned not to stress out about things i can't control. Everything happens for a reason. I love music. I love how there is always a song that relates to my feelings. I am very sponaneous person with a great sense of creativity for fun. I like to think i'm complex (but i'm really not). I do want massive amounts of cold, hard cash in my pockets at any given moment. I type horribly, so be prepared. I am down for hangin' out like anytime as long as you accept that I am a dork, because I love to be around fun people, and I love to just try new things, and even just sit around doin' casual stuff. I stand up for what I believe. I am sometimes egotistical, but it's usually a joke. i..m usually a mess i don..t really have it all together i get mad too easily &.. laugh wayy too much. i..ve been hurt many times & i have hurt others. i..ll make the same mistakes again and again but that..s just me. Deep down i'm a mess and if i my room is who cares. I laugh at the stupidest things & sometimes say the wrong things at the wrong time. I cry for no reason sometimes and get mad too easliy. I have light brown hair in the winter and major blonde highlights in summer time. I love piercings getting them and keeping them. tattoos: i dont have ne yet but i will someday maybe. I'm short-5'1. I have blue eyes. My friends & my dog are my life. I hate being lied to-so dont do it. I get along better with guys, cause girls cause too much drama. (but i love my girls!!) BITCHY? maybe...?or maybe i just say how it is. One of my biggest weaknesses is being told what i wanna hear as to how it really is. I'm terrified of being alone, change and rejection. I can't stand slutty girls. I'm mature enough to be immature. I have a hard time trusting people. I love screaming. I can't stand being labeled. I love Disney movies. i am the worlds worest speller EVER!! but i'm just me and thats all i can be take a chance because you never know how absolutely perfect something could turn out to be. I'm the type of person who gives 2nd chances. I forgive, but can't forget. I love venting and letting everything out. I hate feeling pain. I would die for my friends and my brother. I am a Grandpa's girl. I have disovered a new found respect for life in the past few years. And, now, all I know is, that I am one of the luckiest people in the world! My habits are unique and, usually, have to grow on you. I could give a shit what anyone thinks about me, mainly, because well i just dont' care what people think! Needless to say, I am getting ready to move my life forward. I'm outgoing and usually go after what i want. I love having fun. Laughter is the best medication. I laugh at everything, even if it's not funny. Just because i come off strong doesnt mean i dont fall asleep crying. Even though i act like nothings wrong maybe i'm just really good at lying. Doubt me & i'll prove you wrong. Tell me what to do & i'll tell you off. Say i'm not worth it & watch where i end up. Call me a bitch & and i'll show you one. Screw me over & i'll do it twice as hard. Be real or else forget about it. I hate talking on the phone, but I really hate not getting phone calls, I love getting snail mail and also emails, but rarely reply to them, I probably think I'm smarter than you, shopping really is my therapy, watching my plants grow makes me smile, I like giving away stuff, I am a technology retard, I think I'm cute, I prefer paper, I hate road rage and I have it, I think gyms are boring, I have recently developed a case of ADD , and I talk to myself, often. I'm still young and trying to find out who i am. I love my brother more then he will ever know. My parents are both crazy. (and i mean it). I live for the nights i won't remember with the friends i'll never forget. If life gives you lemons make lemonade...and find someone who's life has given them Vodka and have yourself a party.******YOU GOTTA TAKE THE GOOD WiTH THE BAD SMiLE WiTH THE SAD,LOVE WHAT YOU GOT && REMEMBER WHAT YOU HAD, LEARN TO FORGiVE BUT NEVER TO FORGET, LEARN FROM YOUR MiSTAKES BUT NEVER REGRET, PEOPLE CHANGE,THiNGS GO WRONG,JUST REMEMBER THAT LiFE GOES ON******If you happen to read this far with out leaving my profile means your mind is kinda on the same wave length as mine (maybe and thats scary for all). And I dig that. Feel free to IM or message me! WGKeeper19 or Lizster12.the city where i come from!

My Interests

The Cleveland Browns.Fresh cut grass.Fall.Ice Cream.Iced tea, Pulp, camping, drinking out of wine glasses is my favorite, good food, people watching, gardening, friends, wine, sun, fun, acting young, being young, rain, dancing in the rain, singing, popcorn, sunsets, diet coke, questionable content, texas, my girls, jeepin it, road trips, beer, wiskey, tequila, bars, movies, music, fishing, white water rafting, boating , islanding, getting muddy, group showers, my dog, myspace, cell phone, country music, shopping, never have i evers, clean sheets on my bed, swimming pools, lazy days, VaCa's, sunglasses, lotion, happy hours, drinking 40's, going out to dinner, Vodka, mexican food, bull riding, downtown cleveland, rum and diets, yelling out the window to people, trucks, off roading, cowboys, visiting Mal in whatever city she is in, thinking about the future, talking about the future
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I'd like to meet:

Dane Cook. Conan. Someone that will make me giggle the whole way through until my checks hurt.
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country, rock, alternative, 80's and hip/hop, some rap


Dirty Dancing. Pretty Women. Wedding Crashers. The Goonies. The Breakfest Club. Jarhead. Saving Private Ryan. Forest Gump. Supper Troopers. Kicking & Screaming. Tears of The Sun. Varisty Blues. Dumb & Dumber. In Her Shoes. Half Baked. Tommy Boy. Walk to Remember. Elizabthtown. Crazy Beautiful. Teen Wolf. Die Hard (all of them). Empire Records. Boondock Saints. Bridget jones. Top Gun. All Bond movies. Zoolander. Elf. Polar Express. A Night at The Roxbury. Pearl Harbor. The Notebook. Bad Boys 1&2.


Family Guy. Real World/Road Rules Challenges. Grey's Anatomy. CSI. ER. Top 20 on CMT. Travel Channel. History Channel. Conan. News. CNN News. That 70's Show. The OC. Cops. Laguna Beach. Dharma & Greg.


Summer Sisters. Swimming. Why do men have nipples?. Why do men fall asleep after sex?. The Devil wears Prada. Tuesdays with Morrie. Million Little Pieces. I hope they serve beer in hell.
MySpace Layouts


My grandpa, old men with war stories, my dad b/c the man can fix just about anything and my brother and Malorie b/c she is everything i aspire to be... oh yea and Chuck Norris.

My Blog


A guy walks into a bar wearing a Browns jersey and carrying a cat that also has on a Browns jersey with a little Browns helmet on his head.  The guy says to the bartender, "Can me and m...
Posted by *LiZ* on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 05:29:00 PST

The ABC's that you need to know....

Always Remember the REAL abc's of life.... A ~ Avoid Negativity. B ~ Believe in yourself. C ~ Consider the feelings of others. D ~ Don't ever give up. E ~ Everyday, find a way to smile. F ~ Faith, Fa...
Posted by *LiZ* on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 12:30:00 PST

When Girls Drink Too Much..

Posted by *LiZ* on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 04:10:00 PST


-your jeeps not parked until its front tire is up on something -you get a little excited everytime you see another jeep on the road -you know what a "jeep wave" is-You often find yourself saying to no...
Posted by *LiZ* on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 10:51:00 PST

Cleveland: Rock N Roll City!

YOU KNOW YOU'RE FROM CLEVELAND IF...1. Your second car is completely dissolved by salt by the time         &n bsp;    April rolls around.2. T...
Posted by *LiZ* on Mon, 05 Dec 2005 08:33:00 PST


"Nobody Drinks Alone"You brought that bottle home in a paper sackDrew the blinds and locked the doorsAnd there's nothing but empty there inside that glassSo you pour a little moreAnd there's no one th...
Posted by *LiZ* on Mon, 15 Aug 2005 02:04:00 PST