The Cleveland Browns.Fresh cut grass.Fall.Ice Cream.Iced tea, Pulp, camping, drinking out of wine glasses is my favorite, good food, people watching, gardening, friends, wine, sun, fun, acting young, being young, rain, dancing in the rain, singing, popcorn, sunsets, diet coke, questionable content, texas, my girls, jeepin it, road trips, beer, wiskey, tequila, bars, movies, music, fishing, white water rafting, boating , islanding, getting muddy, group showers, my dog, myspace, cell phone, country music, shopping, never have i evers, clean sheets on my bed, swimming pools, lazy days, VaCa's, sunglasses, lotion, happy hours, drinking 40's, going out to dinner, Vodka, mexican food, bull riding, downtown cleveland, rum and diets, yelling out the window to people, trucks, off roading, cowboys, visiting Mal in whatever city she is in, thinking about the future, talking about the future
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Dane Cook. Conan. Someone that will make me giggle the whole way through until my checks hurt.
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country, rock, alternative, 80's and hip/hop, some rap
Dirty Dancing. Pretty Women. Wedding Crashers. The Goonies. The Breakfest Club. Jarhead. Saving Private Ryan. Forest Gump. Supper Troopers. Kicking & Screaming. Tears of The Sun. Varisty Blues. Dumb & Dumber. In Her Shoes. Half Baked. Tommy Boy. Walk to Remember. Elizabthtown. Crazy Beautiful. Teen Wolf. Die Hard (all of them). Empire Records. Boondock Saints. Bridget jones. Top Gun. All Bond movies. Zoolander. Elf. Polar Express. A Night at The Roxbury. Pearl Harbor. The Notebook. Bad Boys 1&2.
Family Guy. Real World/Road Rules Challenges. Grey's Anatomy. CSI. ER. Top 20 on CMT. Travel Channel. History Channel. Conan. News. CNN News. That 70's Show. The OC. Cops. Laguna Beach. Dharma & Greg.
Summer Sisters. Swimming. Why do men have nipples?. Why do men fall asleep after sex?. The Devil wears Prada. Tuesdays with Morrie. Million Little Pieces. I hope they serve beer in hell.
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My grandpa, old men with war stories, my dad b/c the man can fix just about anything and my brother and Malorie b/c she is everything i aspire to be... oh yea and Chuck Norris.