Azz Diggity profile picture

Azz Diggity

Im Gonna go Where DrEaMs like Rivers Flow

About Me

the names Aaron Martineasy (pronounced Martin - Easy). I am often found hibernating in The Den Of Joshwa also known as The Bedroom formerly known as the car hold featuring fat chicks. I drink milk out of the bottle. WHAT A SICK DUDE! i eat Large quantities of bread. I LIKE YEAST. I also know how to make a party go off.. but you gotta give me 12 bucks to tell you. Now Add me or 7 children will get scurvey resulting in amputation of the index finger. If you've already added me then sweet. Ok bye table {direction:rtl;

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MySpace Stuff

My Interests

Layout Stealer by ..

I'd like to meet:

enough about me.. add this and all your wildest erotic fantisies will come true.. [email protected]


As long as its not CRap (rap), or CUNTry (coutry) its all delicious baby


i thoroughly support everything about the adult film industry. PETER NORTH ATTACK!!


i watch CSI so i can learn how to commit the perfect crime. and was an avid supporter of baywatch.


The Josh Brennan guide to smackin bitches.


Fat chicks.. without them we would all wonder aimlessly through life whilst Drunk in failure of achieving Intercourse.

My Blog


PERTH WENT OFF..! perth was awsome everyone...i went up there with my main man ben and it was incredible...i met some of the most quality people up there and saw some of the nicest beaches i have ever...
Posted by With Curiosity To Curtain Your First Move on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 07:08:00 PST

I have a space

Geuss what NIGGAz i got a space... yea i got a space...doesnt mean i know how to use it at but tahts what ya get when the only thing electronic you know how to use is a toaster...but at leas...
Posted by With Curiosity To Curtain Your First Move on Sun, 03 Dec 2006 12:57:00 PST