New Humanism is based on two basic points: Solidarity – defined as treating other people the way one would like to be treated and, Coherence – defined as thinking, feeling and acting in the same way. The project of the Humanist Movement is to eradicate war, hunger, poverty and economic exploitation across the planet and develop a new system based on the value of human life as the central value, higher than money, power, prestige, etc. This vision of the future is called the Universal Human Nation. The methodology used is to work in groups and undertake personal development activities as well as social projects. Once sufficiently experienced, new groups develop according to their interests. New Humanists share the following Humanist Attitude: Placing the human being as the central value and concern, in such a way that nothing is above the human being and no human being is above another. Affirming the equality of all human beings. Recognizing personal and cultural diversity, affirming the characteristics proper to each human group and condemning discrimination, whether motivated by economic, racial, ethnic, or cultural differences. Developing knowledge beyond the limitations imposed by prejudices accepted as absolute and immutable truths. Affirming the freedom of ideas and beliefs. Repudiating violence in all its forms.For more info: us