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teen fiction writer

About Me

Well, about the book anyway... DEMON ENVY, coming from Berkley Jam Books in October 2007.

Vanity isn’t even one of the seven deadly sins, but that’s what got me into this mess...

This is my story. The tale of a normal morning in the life of a normal girl—WHO HAS A DEMON POP UP IN HER SHOWER. Yeah, that’s where the vanity comes in. While trying to get rid of a monster zit, I dropped my face lotion in the tub. And while fifty bucks’ worth of it swirled down the drain, it freed a demon from his prison portal. A mysteriously geeky looking demon. (In the movies, they’re always hot, right?)

So here I am, Kenzie Sutcliffe, saddled with a creature who looks and acts like every other guy I know. That is: ANNOYING. At least Levi has a job—if you could call it that. He has to stir up envy and jealousy in humans…or he starves. All he’s tempting me to do is crawl back into my bedroom and hide there until forever. Because believe me, no one is going to be coveting my life after this…

My Interests

I love to travel! In the past year I've been to New York City, Atlanta, New Orleans, Chicago, the Dominican Republic, and the Smoky Mountains. This year I have plans to go to New Orleans, Houston, Ft. Myers FL, Hawaii, and Charleston, SC.

And anywhere that I travel you can guarantee that I'll have a Diet Coke in my hand... I'm a serious DC addict.

I'd like to meet:

Dead or alive? If we're talking about someone dead, I'd pick Cleopatra. She ruled an empire and had two guys wrapped around her finger. That's impressive.

I did one of those online quizzes to find your famous dead soul mate and mine came up as Edgar Allan Poe. I wonder what that says about me?

As for here, I'd love to meet readers and writers, and connect with friends.


My all time favorite is The Beatles. Lately I've been listening to The White Stripes, The Raconteurs, Jet, All-American Rejects, Panic! At the Disco, Green Day, Evanesence, The Killers, Fall Out Boy, and My Chemical Romance. I also still love The Cure- Robert Smith rocked the black eyeliner long before Billie Joe.


Psycho, Dead Poets Society, Rear Window, Gosford Park, Heathers, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Shakespeare In Love, Romeo & Juliet, Oceans Eleven.


Lost, American Idol


Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen is the book I've re-read the most and Mr. Darcy still makes me sigh. I love the Bronte sisters, Hawthorne, Margaret Atwood, Arthur Phillips, and Agatha Christie (love those British house party scenes and their amazing characterizations!), and I read a lot of nonfiction for research- especially on the paranormal.

Recently I've discovered YA author Stephenie Meyer thanks to Kathy Love, and I enjoy YA and chick lit authors Melissa Senate, Caren Lissner, Libba Bray, and the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series.

As for romance authors, I love Teresa Medeiros, Connie Brockway, Lori Foster, Nora Roberts, Heather Graham, and Susan Elizabeth Phillips. All amazing writers and classy ladies.

I also can't wait for my first YA book, Demon Envy, to hit the shelves.

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Demon Envy Excerpt

         Have you ever had such a horrible day that you wondered why your mother didn't just eat you at birth like a gerbil does and spare you the hassle?  &nb...
Posted by Erin on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 09:17:00 PST