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'AKO SI's Friends
bitter tong...
cUtiE rHiZa
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Dont make me think about her smile Or having my first child Let it go Turning off the radio - posted today
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Male, 20, Single
Profile Viewed: 87 times since 2/7/2006
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Location: Philippines
Hometown: McDonalds Corporation, Oak Brook, IL 60521
Friendster Member Since: Mar 2004
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'AKO SI's URL (Personalize my URL) http://www.friendster.com/6640788
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Schools (Other):
Oak Brook Christian School
Schools (Other):
san lorenzo , st james pque , veritas , DLSU D , uphr lp
Blackburn College , Attended 2005 - Present, Class of 2010 , Ph.D., Math
"BAR"sity TABLE tennis
RCC (right corner commercial) , battle gear 3
RCC (right corner commercial) , vivid videos , the charles cruz fans club
Hobbies and Interests:
tambay at TAMBAY at tambay minsan tambay...ngaun magtxt...mag pasaya ng sarili ko , mag boxing para patumbahin ang kalaban at dalhin sa kamatayan
Favorite Books:
BOB ONGS WORKS , mga kwentong barbero ko!
Favorite Movies:
machete , oh what a big bannana , ming ming ang pusang ligaw , at basa sa dagat , mother mother i am sick
Favorite Music:
Favorite TV Shows:
the simpsons at jack tv...basta nakakatawa...http://www.theinterviewwithgod.com/
About Me:
not much to say...failing at everything but still i smile i am a dreamer i just dream of big things not a mover nor a pusher...
sssssssssss is the sound of the snake!
Callous men -
a fundamental flaw is
manifested in a myriad
faults and deficiencies.
here, a lack of heart makes
us lose the very quality that
makes us human,
producing truly heinous criminal types:
wife beaters, white slaves, natural born killers,
and stealers of lives and dreams. beast among men,
there isn't a zoo big enough to hold them all.
Fox in the hen house -
paedophiles in religous dress,
teachers who prey on their youthful charges, politicians and civil servants who plunder the public trust and nationalcoffers... they have one thing in common: like ravenous wolves let loose in a hen house, these are predators with the unique advantage of being appointed custodians over the very things the prey on. the irony is diabolical
militia vita hominis super teram
ayoko pang pumasok!
Who I Want to Meet:
the true master of
the claws of the iron bear
the strike of the flying serpent
the leaping monkey
the master of ninjitsu
someone who can save me
friends...old and new, nornal and weird folks
txt nyo ko 09225307470 ill w8 ha!
m not normal
'AKO SI's Testimonials
Maggoth | 1/6/2006Heil! my brother in dark arms. ok this due right here gots it all figure out, i tells yah. hes got the smarts, the charm, the aura to completly disimminate all would be fools in perfect, contracted oblivion.
green is the man, as psychological profiling permits, green is the color of geniuses.
bitter tong... | 1/6/2006
charles cruz fan club ba kamo? tangina im signing up!
tol,do you rodeo?
Lester | 31/5/2006
pag BROKEBACK MoUntain!!!!!!!
Dimple | 12/5/2006
real name: charles bryan perez cruz
(kun anu ano kcng name gngmit nyan s frenstr) =p
sex: male!
height: 5'7"
fav color: is it blue? my bad! i forgt
battery: very active
scent: smells so bango
personality: very unpredictable like d mo lam nxt nyng ggwin and wat he'l b for tomrw
atitude towdrs a lady: caring, wel i guess may pusong babae kc yn =p
talent: art makng
he's proud of being: d first born
KeithMon | 17/4/2006
i'm a man of few words.
CHARLES + Friendster = PRICELESS !
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