Love Birds!
Hi, my name is Lauren. I'm a naturalist and avid birdwatcher. I'm also an amateur photographer, a sci-fi/fantasy artist, keyboardist and song writer. A lot of my artwork is inspired by birds.
I've seen that many conservation organizations now have a MySpace page. So, I've decided to make my own, in tribute of nature and animals, especially our fine feathered friends! It's also for all bird watchers and animal lovers including nature organizations. I write for an online magazine about wild and pet birds called Sages In Cages. If you are interested, the website is,
I would greatly appreciate any feedback about my articles! I am honored that people come to take time out of their day to read what I write and I hope you enjoy my articles and find them informative.
I have always been an outdoor person and I like to emerse myself in nature whenever I can. When I went on a field trips in school, I was the one everyone was asking what the critters they found in the woods were. I Learned much of what I know about nature and wilderness survival today from my parents. I grew up in the countryside of Aurora, Ohio. Aurora is in an area that has many pristine wetlands. The developers have filled in many of them to build plain, drab housing development clones.
But the story of Aurora has a happy side. The Audubon Society I belong to has bought hundreds of acres of this pristine habitat. They've turned the land into sanctuaries which are now home to many species of rare birds and other animals! In celebration of my sentiment of this small suburb in Ohio and winning some of it's wilderness back, I have named my female Eclectus parrot after it.
I have gone hiking and bird watching in many places across the United States. I've finally been out of the U.S. to a country I had to see before it's natural beauty was completely destroyed..Costa Rica. Photographs of the birds and the scenery here does not do them justice!
When it comes to animals, I'm nearly as fearless as Steve Irwin. He has taught many of us that people fear what they don't understand. When snakes and other venomous creatures get the respect and space they deserve, they will not attack. I am a student at Cornell Lab of Ornithology. I would like to help these beautiful birds and continue the process of educating more people about them.
I hope that by having this page, it will inspire more people who see it to become interested in conservation, wildlife and join these organizations to help protect endangered wildlife and their habitats. We need to start helping to undo the damage human kind has caused for our future generations. We should only use what we need and give food supplies such as fish in the oceans a chance to recover before we take more. Animals are a part of this planet just as much as we are and we should live in harmony with it!
My Lifelist Of Birds I Have Seen In NE Ohio:
Northern Cardinal, Black-capped chickadee, Boreal chickadee, Bluejay, American goldfinch, Housefinch, Slate-gray junco, Dark-eyed junco, Tufted titmouse, White-breasted nuthatch, Red-breasted nuthatch, Brown creeper, Eastern Bluebird, Barn swallow, Tree swallow, Bank swallow, Purple martin, Common grackle, Brown-headed cowbird, Evening grosbeak, Rose-breasted grosbeak, Baltimore Oriole, Eastern towhee, American redstart, Indigo bunting, Scarlet tanager, American robin, Woodthrush, Water thrush, Hermit thrush, Veery, Gray catbird, Northern mockingbird, Red-winged blackbird, Downy woodpecker, Hairy woodpecker, Red-bellied woodpecker, Red-headed woodpecker, Yellow-bellied sapsucker, Northern(yellow shafted)Flicker, Piliated woodpecker, American tree sparrow, Swamp sparrow, Song sparrow, White-throated sparrow, White-crowned sparrow, Chipping sparrow, Fox sparrow, Field sparrow, Eastern Phoebe, Eastern wood peewee, Eastern kingbird, House wren, Marsh wren, Carolina wren, Lesser flycatcher, Alder flycatcher, Ovenbird, Magnolia warbler, Wilson's warbler, Black-throated blue warbler, Yellow warbler, Bay-breasted warbler, Chestnut-sided warbler, Blackburnian warbler, Blackpol warbler, Prothonotory warbler, Red-eyed vireo, Common nighthawk, Wild turkey, Ruffed grouse, American bobwhite, American woodcock, Killdeer, Lesser yellowlegs, Common loon, Greater Black-backed gull, Laughing gull, Hering gull, Canada goose, Trumpeter swan, Mute swan, American blackduck, Wood duck, Canvasback, Red-head, Northern shoveler, Red-breasted merganser, American coot, Belted kingfisher, Great blue heron, Great egret, Snowy egret, Cattle egret, Tri-colored heron, Little green heron, Double-crested cormorant, Cooper's hawk, Red-shouldered hawk, Rough-legged hawk, Red-tailed hawk, Osprey, Bald eagle, Great horned owl, Eastern screech owl(grey phase), Bard owl, Barn owl, Saw-whet owl, Turkey vulture