Ryan's Digital Scrapbooking & Gavin's  profile picture

Ryan's Digital Scrapbooking & Gavin's

My personal and design site, please add me, I do my own scrapbook pages!!

About Me

So in short, My name is Ryan (yes, I am a girl, I just have a boy's name, incase you were wondering). I'm 22 years old.. Gavin is my son and my life.. I love that boy more then anything in this whole world.. I'm in a very loving and awesome relationship with my best friend.. He is the greatest thing besides my son.. My two boys as I would like to call them.. Been with my boyfriend for two and a half years now and I know there will be many more to come..
In a nutshell, I am a fiery, redheaded scorpio that loves to have fun and be goofy.. I am always laughing and making the most out of life with Gavin and Don.. I'm a great friend and stick by those that I truly care about.. I love everyone no matter what!!
I'm very passionate about children, it saddens me when I hear about child abuse, a missing child or an innocent child coming down with a life threatening illness.. I hope to one day be able to change at least a portion of it.. I want to become a social worker, I hope to help children, who don't have a home or don't nessacerily feel loved, I think that in order to help our youth to carry on in the world as adults, you have to care and show interest and have them know that someone cares..
As for scrapbooking, I love it!! I wish I could sit down and do it in person but alas there is no time with an 19 month old, so that is why I am starting to do digital scrapbooking.. I love taking pictures, and making them into art or something that will last a lifetime.. I hope you enjoy what I have made!!
Please do not take my things and give yourself credit for something that you didn't do.. It would be nice if after requesting an item and receiving it, that you tag me in the picture and give me some form of credit to let others know that I was the one that took the time to make the page for you.. I don't really have many rules, other then be nice, be curtious and have fun!! Many probably don't realize that it is time consuming to do these pages, so please wrrite something more than just a simple thank you, it doesn't have to something all elaborate or anything, but you get the point..
For requesting my pages and tags, please put all the information that is needed into the comment along with the picture from whatever picture site you use, such as Photobucket.. Please send me the biggest pictures in HTML format you have, that way they won't be blurry when I make the pages!! I am open to ideas or custom requests from anyone, if you want me to make something that is not an offer, just send me a message with some details and a picture or two that you would like me to use and I'll work on something for you.. I am still adding pages and themes so if you don't see something that you want, just let me know!! You may request as many as pages as you like, just know that I do work full time, have a boyfriend and an 19 month old and go to school full time during the fall and spring semesters.. I do most of my pages, requests, etc at night and I will always try to get them completed within 24 hours of when you requested them, depending on the day, lol and how long of a work day I had and what needs to be done around the house or with Gavin.. If it is taking me longer, you are more then welcome to send me a message to see what is going on with your scrap page.. :) When I am completed with your scrap page, I always comment your myspace page to let you know that your pages are ready, I don't want to rely on bulletins because I know that not everyone reads them, this way, you know exactly when they are done.. My offers will always be open, I don't close offers after a certain amount of time, everyone's lives are different, people want and need different things at different times.. I can do custom scrapbook pages for you as well, just ask and I can put something together for you.. I'll eventually make it an offer but I'll wait a while to let you have it to yourself and no one else have it.. I do not charge for pages either, incase anyone was wondering, unless it's a big project, then see my blog on that!! Also, I don't know how to do actual layouts for myspace yet, I have had a lot of people ask, sorry, but I'm working on it!! lol
One thing with my pages, I don't put a seal or watermark on my pages, I don't do this because I make the pages very high quality, which means if you wanted to take what I made and print it out, put it in a frame, give it to someone or whatever, you can and it will look perfect!! With that being said, I am trusting that my things will not be stolen or used in any other manner without my consent or permission.. If I do find out that this has happened, I will start watermarking my pages and will block you from my page and let everyone else know what you have done..
Here is my code incase you want it!!
tankergirlsdesigns layouts
TankerGirlsDesigns's Layouts

My Interests

Scrapbooking, just started doing it on my own and I am really excited about it..


Well, I love everything, I especially love singing to music in my car, when no one can hear me, I don't think anyone would really want to.. lol.. I'm just glad that Gavin can't tell me to be quiet yet!!


Anything, I am open to watching anything.. I love chick flicks obviously, The Notebook and Dirty Dancing are my favorites.. I also like Because I said so.. PS I LOVE YOU is another one of my favorites!! I cried during the whole movie!!


I definately tivo too many programs!! There are soo many to list it would take forever.. I'm just surprised I can take them all and that they don't overlap on each other.. I am definately a reality show junkie, lol.. Here is a list of some of the shows that I watch: CSI- all of them, Survivor, Hell's Kitchen, Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares, Top Chef, America's Next Top Model, Project Runway, Damages, The Ultimate Fighter, America's Best Dance Crew, Flip This House, Deadliest Catch, Dinner Impossible, Extreme Makeover Home Edition, Oprah's Big Give, The Next Food Network Star and Intervention.. So yeah, I do watch a lot of shows!!


My favorite authors are Lauren Royal and Josie Litton and I also like the Harry Potter books too!! Yes, I might be just a small nerd.. I really love reading the historical romance books, its cool to read what the authors wrote about the life's of those in the books, back then, it's just interesting to me.. Right now I am reading the book PS I LOVE YOU as well..


The first woman president of our country and all the miliary officals that are fighting for us right now!!

My Blog

Thank goodness for answered prayers..

I know I don't talk too much about my personal life but I just needed to get this out and vent a little.. As some that are close to me know, a little over two years ago, my grandma was diagnosed with ...
Posted by Ryan's Digital Scrapbooking & Gavin's Mom on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 05:29:00 PST

Pregnancy Update .5

So, I am hoping this is the last pregnancy update since I supposedly only have 9 very miserable days of pregnancy left!! ugh.. He has dropped into position but other then that, nothing.. I am starting...
Posted by Ryan's Digital Scrapbooking & Gavin's Mom on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 11:24:00 PST

My dad

I think back to the times when I was a little girl and I always thought that I was daddy's little girl.. In a way I still feel like that is the case, just in a more grown up version.. Ever since two o...
Posted by Ryan's Digital Scrapbooking & Gavin's Mom on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 10:15:00 PST


    Well, I am trying to figure out just how to start off this blog. I don't know, things have just been great for me and now they just seem to be getting better! Ever since I started s...
Posted by Ryan's Digital Scrapbooking & Gavin's Mom on Fri, 17 Feb 2006 02:03:00 PST

Glitter things and everything else you want to know!

Ok, so I have had a lot of people ask me, Where do I find my glitter pictures and things like that? Well, here is the answer! Please bookmark this blog or however you want to do it so you can find it ...
Posted by Ryan's Digital Scrapbooking & Gavin's Mom on Mon, 14 Nov 2005 12:48:00 PST

You men are so silly...

You know, I just don't get why guys are the way they are. They bitch about us and the fact that we complain too much and that we are moody and that there is always something wrong with us in one way o...
Posted by Ryan's Digital Scrapbooking & Gavin's Mom on Wed, 07 Dec 2005 02:42:00 PST


Well, after a 4 month stint with someone, I can finally say that I am single. After everything that has happened, all I can say is that the relationship life is too much for me right now. It's too muc...
Posted by Ryan's Digital Scrapbooking & Gavin's Mom on Fri, 02 Dec 2005 10:12:00 PST

I got a new car!

Holy moly! I just got a new car today! Well, it's new to me anyways... It's a 2000 Chevy Cavalier! I have been wanting one of those, for like ever. I now have one. today has just been such a good day,...
Posted by Ryan's Digital Scrapbooking & Gavin's Mom on Tue, 22 Nov 2005 11:48:00 PST

Very crappy day

Well, you would think, car was already broken into and shit that nothing would happen to my car, becasue its broken due to my transmission and all, and low and behold, my car was broken into again! Ta...
Posted by Ryan's Digital Scrapbooking & Gavin's Mom on Tue, 15 Nov 2005 02:20:00 PST


Oh my... I'm so tramatized... My poor little hoop-die... I was driving home from work and I was on the freeway, and all of a sudden my car felt like someone had just slammed on my brakes! The speed we...
Posted by Ryan's Digital Scrapbooking & Gavin's Mom on Tue, 08 Nov 2005 11:47:00 PST