First, let me identify myself as a saved-spirit filled young lady who is a Jesus fanatic! Yes, he is first and foremost in my life. I love him because he proves his love to me over and over again. He's also the only man that I don't mind sharing with others-male or female.(lol)
I have taught school for over twenty years. I love children and enjoy watching them grow and learn. However, some of the things the children learn and do today far surpasses my level of comprehension. Their little minds are so preoccupied with the "wrong stuff" that it is difficult to teach them even the basic skills. Teachers today need much prayer as we try to mold these youngin's who seem to be already hardened by life's experiences. Pray for our youth!
I enjoy taking on challenges in life. If a project does not challenge me, I usually pass it by. It has to be something stimulating that I can really sink my teeth into.
I am truly a family person. I love my family dearly and try to show it every chance I get.
Okay,enough about me.