Lynda profile picture


That's how I roll!

About Me

Lynda. (Lin.duh) 1. loves me some Hennessey and Cokes! 2. Inspires to be the best person she can be in life and success 3. This person is typically an overachiever and was always the one the less intelligent kids went to for help. She is most often known as a nerd. 4. Pretends to be too cool for school when in reality she loves school and again is a total geek. 5. Absolutely adores this guy who by far is a way bigger nerd than she is.

My Interests

I love the 80's, I enjoy fishing (fishing season fishing season.. here we come!!), tennis (still learning), networking, snowboarding is awesome, dancing, going out on the town, I have a lot of goals in life and I know where my priorities stand, I love everything so I can't really complain. I enjoy cooking however I don't do enough of it. I'm still a mama's girl... Dont cook unless I have to. I sometimes have the urge to clean like a mad woman, but that rarely happens.


I listen to EVERYTHING


My Sister.. though I say she's a total bitch.. she's the most awesome person in the whole world and I don't know where or who I would be without her in my life.

My parents, they're frekkin awesome.

My Brother.. he's a loser but I love him

The best brother in law EVER!