ummmm a cow a shiken a bird a snake a bunny santa a rat the moon a key board oh wait nvm. sorry. some one with out add. some with add. and the number 7. barney. a goose chikin little ill eat him. subway guy. killer clowns with out the killer part, a whale a snail, a little pink boat.infared rays. space. chu chus. there load. the letter 9. the number you. a guy with no 11th finger. toe a dog. anouther dog backwards, not god just another dog back wards. a teletubbie that way i can yell at him and make his life not so bright and sunshiney and all im the baby in the sky that wakes them up with laughter and i never get to come down and play they hold me against my will i havent had a good boob in about a week. im just the dsad baby that has to be the sun cuz im the only one that fits up here and that way it is a kid show. and well if u want to know who else i want to meet just ask me!!! muhahahaha