Name: John-Michael
Alias: Mr. Ninja or [Jae Em]
Height: 5'5
Weight: 130lbs
DOB: March 3rd 1989
Martial Arts: Tae Kwon Do, Escrima, Boxing/Kick Boxing, Really Brief Muay Thai, and Free Runner/Parkour/Tricking Rookie.
Other Skills: Sleeping in class while sitting up, Giving out advice, listening, making girls laugh, and performing stupid stunts that could possibly kill me.
Hobbies and Interests: Writing, Taking pictures of myself, Calling people Dorks, Meeting new people, Singing Kareoke, Ninja stuff, and Anything of the asian cultures.
Ethnicity: Asian
Location: Cali-For-Nia, Vacaville...the Cow Town
Favorite Quote: "There's a reason for my madness..."
Favorite Moves: 540 Kick, Tornado Kick, Butterfly kick, and the Leaf Hurricane
Idol: Tony Jaa, Jet Li, Jackie Chan, The EMC Monkeys-all of them, Jonathan Phan, Rock Lee, And of course...Myself kidding =P, All the people who have ever influenced me in a good positive way.
Brief Origins: I was born in the PI and while I was still little, I was dragged off to the US for a promising future. Growing up, I learned how to kick ass and steal things. Taking up Martial arts, I threw those habbits away and practiced. Now I'm striving to get to the Top of the food chain and make some big bucks.
Together with my buddies we'll "Train Hard" in hopes of someday teaming up with the EMC Monkeys.
Getting ahead in a difficult profession requires avid faith in yourself. That is why some people with mediocre talent, but with great inner drive, go much further than people with vastly superior talent. -Sophia Loren
Current Projects:
Project C.N.
Most impressive