Starting anew:
I'm a student of math education. I plan on teaching high-school math in the inner-city, possibly New York. That is my main identifying feature at this time. Read into it what you will.
Random facts:
I play guitar; acoustic, classical, blues, folky stuff.
I used to avoid alcohol, sugar, tobacco, all assiduously. I now shoot for moderation, especially of sugar, given the prevalence of diabetes in the family.
I'm almost a writer. My blog speaks for itself. It also says more about me than this.
I most likely have a mild auditory processing disorder that prevents me from understanding words in music most of the time. Spoken language offers me no trouble. If we meet in person, I won't be asking you to repeat yourself, but if you sing something, I'll have no idea what the words are (even if I sing along, processing disorders are funny like that.)
I'm a Unitarian-Universalist. My spell-checker doesn't even recognize the name, and we're the twentieth biggest religion on earth.
I do have a sense of humor, but have purposely omitted traces from this profile, because I'm an idiot.
Check out my cuffs. Top quality, never leave marks, no matter how much you struggle.
The picture links to the makers.
I have become obsessed with barbershop and multitrack recording lately. This is one of my new life goals:
Still not enough of the elf for you?
[email protected]
Aol IM: bluesmasterelf
YIM: bluesmasterelf
MySpace IM: grandmasteroftheuniverse
Right now only AIM is functional, email checked daily.