Anna Friel, Jesus, Hunter S. Thompson, Bill Hicks, Lewis Black, Radiohead, Albert Hoffmann, Owsley Stanley, Ken Kesey, Terry Gilliam, Stephen Wright, Bill Murray, Richard Linklater, Robert Downey Jr., Dave Chappell, The Deftones, Frank Black(Charles), Rob Crow, Armistead Burwell Smith IV, Terry Date, Ross Robinson, Andy Wallace, Steve Albini, Howard Zinn, Kilgore Trout, Dr. Moog, Henry Darger, Diablo Cody, Jennifer Connelly, Rosario Dawson, Kim Deal, Martina Topely-Bird, Selma Blair, and your lame ass.
Roxy Music - Mother of Pearl (Live 1976)
Just listen until two minutes into this song, and then watch SLC Punk.