- Music
- Singing
- Guitars
- Photography
- Meteorology
- History
- Web Design
& most importantly..
My son ♥
HATE is Easy - LOVE takes Courage.
A southern girl is a girl who knows full and well she can open a door for herself, but prefers the gentleman to do it because it demonstrates a sense of respect. After all, every girl wants to be treated like a princess. We pick our battles and fight with the heart of a pit-bull while still maintaining grace and elegance. Our mystique is that of a soft spoken, mild mannered southern belle, who could direct an army, loves her momma, and will always be daddy’s little girl.
God, Darren Hayes, David Boreanaz, Tyra Banks, Benjamin Jackson Burnley, Aaron Fink, Marcus James Klepaski, & Chad Szeliga.
"I love you means that I accept you for the person that you are and I don't wish to change you into somebody else. I do not expect perfection from you just as you do not expect it from me. It means that I will love you and stand by you even in the worst of times. It means loving you when you're in a bad mood or too tired to do the things I want to do. It means loving you when you're down and not just when you're fun to be with. I love you means I know your deepest secrets and do not judge you for them asking only in return that you do not judge me for mine. It means that I care enough to fight for what we have and I love you enough not to let go. It means thinking of you, dreaming of you, wanting and needing you constantly, hoping that you feel the same way about me." - Quote
Shower your enemies with love, it's by far the best revenge!
- Dylan Parker -
My handsome little prince.
God didn't promise days without pain,
laughter without sorrow,
sun without rain;
But He did promise strength for the day,
comfort for the tears,
and light for your way.
I believe that everything happens for a reason.
People change so that you can learn to let go.
Things go wrong so that you can appreciate them when they are right.
You believe less so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself;
And sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.
- My Videos -
All these videos I shot myself, do not take without giving me credit.
BUSTED! - Dylan Singing Karaoke
- Breaking Benjamin
- Seether
- Three Days Grace
- Trapt
- Evans Blue
- Sick Puppies
- The Drama Club
- 30 Seconds to Mars
- Relient K
- Metallica
- Linkin Park
When the world says "give up", hope whispers.. "try it one more time."
My beautiful baby boy, Dylan - he has given me a whole new world of strength, and shown me the most innocent love of all is that of a mother and her child. No bond will ever be greater than the one I share with him, my little prince.
My wonderful boyfriend Ryan & all the other military service personnel who are sacrificing on our nations behalf.. ESPECIALLY those who have given their all,
thank you for keeping us safe & free. You are the bravest men and women of all. God Bless You & God Bless AMERICA!
The past is called the past for a reason, leave it there, learn from it, make the future better, & love like you’ve never been hurt. Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed ’til it is faced.