Here's what you need to know about me: I am a wife of three years and a mother to the most beautiful and fabulous little girl since September 5, 2008. I get so excited when people care enough to call me, but I am horrible about returning phone calls. I am the least domestic Mormon wife in the history of Mormon wives. I'm not the kind of messy where you go over to someone's house and they're all, "Sorry about the mess!" and you look and there's one dish in the sink and a pillow out of place on the couch. I'm the kind of messy where once I had so many dirty dishes that I moved them to the bathtub and turned on the shower and once my grandma raked my bedroom floor. Friends often confide in me and turn to me for advice, but some are also apparently afraid to tell me things at times, worrying what I'll think or say because I wouldn't have made the same decision in my own life. I hate that! I want the world to know that I would never judge you for your personal decisions. A wise guest on Maury once said, "Ima do me, you do you." That's my motto! I want to be the person someone can come to for anything - because if I chose to come to you, I'd hope you'd feel the same. I think my life is incredibly interesting and incredibly boring at the same time. I have the worst memory, but I am also extremely sentimental. I'm not sure how that works. I am proud of who I have become but also think that I haven't done anything noteworthy - I just live my life, hoping to learn something along the way, and hoping that my dad is watching me from a better place, beaming with pride at his only daughter.
Motherhood is a blessing I'd wish upon anyone willing to take it on. It's immeasurably and indescribably wonderful. I love my little girl more than words and I am grateful to have her in my life. I also love my mom, and miss my dad. Nine years ago cancer took his life and I consider myself blessed to have been his daughter while I had him. Finally understanding the love a parent has for their child makes me want to be a better daughter. My parents are fabulous and I am lucky to have both of them. My mom loves and spoils her granddaughter and I know my dad would (and does!) feel the same. Families are the most important aspect of one's being and I am lucky to have mine.
I am married to the most wonderful man in the world. His name is Jared, and he's my husband, not yours. I graduated in May 2006 from UNCG with a degree in Communication Studies. I work as a copywriter/editor and I love my job. No, really, co-workers, I do! Can't you just SEE the MA spirit oozing from my very soul?!? I'm officially a member of The Real World (DUN DUN DUNNNNN)!! I really love my job and enjoy feeling like I'm making a difference in my own little corner.
I have a lot of pet peeves. Among them are people who turn their car off while their windshield wipers are in the middle of their windshield (if I am in the car when this happens I WILL make you fix it), people who are turning left when I'm turning right and they pull up so far that I can't see when it's clear for me to turn (Most likely I get to go before you, a-hole; don't block me! Wait your TURN!! GAH IT DRIVES ME CRAZYYY), cashiers who make commentary on my purchases, people who don't wave when I let them in, the phrase "I could care less" (refer to this ), people who label photos "____ and I" (or otherwise use "___ and I" incorrectly) thinking they sound smart when in actuality they're incorrect, people who leave soaking wet towels on the floor/bed/clothes pile (This is in no way directed to a specific husband of mine named Jared), people who don't know the difference between "less" and "fewer," and many, many others. I could go on for days. Don't let this fool you, though: I'm usually a pretty nice girl. Just don't annoy me. :)
I love to sing. One of the best feelings that exists is the thrill of pleasing an audience. After doing almost nonstop shows for an entire year, I'm on an indefinite hiatus while I become acquainted with motherhood! I'll be back, though!
We're the proud, happy and lucky parents of a wonderful, adorable, spunky chihuahua named Lily. I love her with all my heart, and I cannot imagine what parenthood will be like considering that my heart explodes every time I see her. She is named after Harry Potter's mom, even though Jared might tell you otherwise. We also have a sweet, cute, adorable, loving, CRAZY dachshund named Roxie. She's the sweetest, most loyal dog I've ever owned. She's great and Lily loves having a playmate!
Oh, and just in case you're wondering: I don't add random people that I don't know. I, unlike most other people on here, did not get a myspace to whore myself out and rack up as many friends as I can: I like actually KNOWING the people on my friends list. I don't add bands unless I know the members of them. I am not a promotional tool for your mediocre music. There are promo groups for that. Leave me alone. Sorry! I guess that makes me annoying and a disgrace to the culture of myspace, but whatev. *NOTE* If you heard about me from a certain local radio show and that's the reason you're adding me, I'll be glad to add you back as long as you message me letting me know you're a listener!