Guitar... music in general.
Anybody... some more than others.
Everything... Gawd... I can usually find something to like about any piece of music, so if I say it sucks... it probably does.
28 days later, Life Aquatic, Donnie Darko, Dune, Star Wars, lotr (extended with the whole cast commentary thing >.>), American Psycho, Old School...
My dad always said the more channels you have the less pages you turn... but I'm pretty sure he has like... 500 more than me and still reads more.
Reading Crime and Punishment, The Curious Incident with the Dog at Nighttime, and Anton Chekov's short stories atmCaprice Crane is awesome... Dune, lord of the rings, Ayn Rand, Carl Sagan, Jhumpa Lahiri... and loads of others. Mostly into fiction.
My parents are awesome for making sure my ass was clean until I was able to wipe it myself. Thanks to my sisters for this as well. And Nanny Mae... and an assortment of baby sitters. You guys cleaned my shit, and I salute you. ^_^