I am looking forward to meeting god when my time has come. One day I will meet someone to sponcer me in the native american sundance. i want to suffer for the people. I want to meet people who are on a possitive track, you become who you surround yourself with, this I have learned over and over. I want to meet a grizzly bear, let him be my judge. I want to meet anyone who is interesting and on a good path in life.
where have all the true patriots gone? this is a question every american should ask themselves. while our brothers, sisters, husbands, wives children and other loved ones are brain washed into fighting this illegal oil war, why are we standing by watching? we are more worried about what our celebrities are doing than what the bush regime is doing. we are being controlled by tyrants and no one seem s to care.
I once had a hero, He was tall and strong. he protected the weak, and loved them all.... I have disillusioned myself. I feel as though The world has lost there heros. In a time when people kill eachother with out remorse I stand to say..... A hero is someone who loves others as he loves hisself.. this I strive to be