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Kinky Kiki

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What is your secret stripper name? (girls)

Kinky Kiki

Take The Quiz Now! Quizzes by Well lets see whats new in my life.I'm now engaged to a great guy and we are getting married in november.His name is Ernie Westby and i meet him online.He has three wonderful sons,one beatiful daughter and one beatiful daughter-in-law.Some of you might know him as my number one guy here on myspace(Trent).Things are great with my boys as well as my love life.My oldest son David(who by the way is only 12 and in 7th grade) just took the SAT exam that most kids don't take till they are in high school.He did very well on it.My middle son Matthew(who is 9 and in 4th grade) just got back hid reading results from school and it shows that he has a 6th grade reading level.My youngest son Billy(who is 8 and in 3rd grade)is passing all his classes and doing great at keeping up with his two older brothers.It finally looks like my life is looking up and that once again my boys and i will be happy once again.Also since january i've caught up and gotten too see my very best friend and sister(who i have not seen in 8 years).Her name is Eva and she is also one of my top friends here on myspace.

My Interests

i love to movies...listen to music..............long walks and/or drives.............unicorns..............doplhins........... ..dallas cowboys

I'd like to meet:

Dating & Relationship Advice
MySpace Layouts i'd like to meet new people who like making friends.


i like different types of music though if i had to pick a favorite it would be favorite artist is kenny chesney and george strait.


my all time favorite movie is"the wizard of oz".


i like shows like CSI,CROSSING JORDAN,AMAZING RACE,and SURVIOR.shows along those lines


as long as its not a romance book i'll at least try to read it.i really like the true crime books.but two of my favorite authors are anne rice and laurell k. hamilton.


my boys are my heros....david who is 12 and in 7th grade....matthew who is 9 and in 4th grade....and last but certianly not least billy who is 8 and in 3rd grade

My Blog

I'm so happy!!!

Well everyone thought i'd let you all know that i'm so very happy.My fiancee and the love of my life is now here with me.Its so great to wake up beside him everyone morning and to fall asleep in his a...
Posted by regina on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 08:41:00 PST

my feelings for my baby

well i feel like i need to let everyone know that everyday that goes by i fall deeper and deeper in love with my baby...ERNIE!!!each day i find myself thinking more and more about the day that we will...
Posted by regina on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 07:50:00 PST

my future

well i guess its time for me to tell everyone about the new man in my life,i meet him online a year ago november.never in my wildest dreams did i think we would ever be more than online buddies.i thou...
Posted by regina on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 11:24:00 PST