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So Bangin Its Bustin

About Me

My name is Sam im in my 2nd semester of my first year at Orange County Community College in M-Town New York. I hate posers and wiggers. If you are talking to me and your boring - im gonna ignore you. I like metal music n some rap. I despise country and that gay shitty genre that n'sync is classified in. Also, I would like to thank little 8 lb. 6 oz. baby Jesus for slang. Without my knowlege of slang I would be lost in todays society.
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My Interests

Sports Music Drawing TV Writing Lyrics Chillin With Friends Annoying the HELL outta people Making People Laugh Its all about the style:)

I'd like to meet:

D.B. Cooper Don Hertzfeld


Sublime, Slipknot, Red Hot Chili Peppers, CKY, Pantera, Fear Factory, HollyWood Undead, Dissection, Green Day (OLD), The Offspring, Dark Tranquillity, As I Lay Dying, Norma Jean, Ozzy, Iron Maiden, Eric Clapton, Hed PE, Jimi Hendrix, Children of Bodom, Cannibal Corpse, AFI, KillSwitch Engage, Mnemic, Underoath, HateBreed, Wierd Al, Disturbed, Insomnium, Bullet For My Valentine, Lamb of God, Mudvayne, Rehab, Foo Fighters, HIM, Atreyu, Mors Principium Est, Afterimage, A Bitter Farewell, Embrace The End, Goldfinger,Himsa, Rammstein, A7X, Underoath, God.Fear.None., System Of A Down,.....More to come later.


any action packed flick with guns and people dying. none of those soap opera, romantic love brokeback bull shit. #1 - Terminator 2: Judgement Day, Saving Private Ryan, Black Hawk Down, Apocolyse Now, Platoon, Wind Talkers, We Were Soldiers, BraveHeart, Rocky 1-4, All The Rambos, Godfather 1-3, Saw, The Salton Sea, Bourne Identity n Supremecy, Die Hard 1 n 3, Lord of The Rings The Trilogy, Spaceballs, Rio Bravo, The 5th Element, Jaws, The Punisher, Basic, Out Cold, Dawn Of The Dead, Black Sheep, Tommy Boy, Beverly Hills Ninja, Almost Heros, The Waterboy, Billy Madisdon, Happy Gilmore, Man on Fire, Ace Ventura Pet Detective 1 n 2, Taladega Nights Ballad of Ricky Bobby, The Wickerman(1974), Jackass 1 n 2, The Incredibles, More to come later


Family Guy all the way, Jap anime, Simpsons, Southpark Almost everything on Adult Swim - Futurama, Robot Chicken, The Oblongs, Home Movies. Celebrity Deathmatch - Back when MTV was worth watching. Old School Nickelodeon shows Ex: Global Guts, Legends of the Hidden Temple, Salute Your Shorts etc.


Im illyterraite.. width="425" height="350" .. .. width="425" height="350" .. .. width="425" height="350" ..


Anyone who has killed an Iraqi - man woman or child. Carlos Hathcock - 90 confirmed sniper kills in Vietnam. American Soldiers - Living and Dead. The pilots who dropped the A-bombs on Hiroshama n Nagasaki. The Terminator

My Blog

Is There A Wrong Way To Eat A Reese's?

We have all seen the oldschool candy commercials wit the Reese's peanutbutter cups. MmmMmm good. Tell me if you think there is a possible way to consume these edible treats in a wrong fashion....
Posted by §amØ on Sun, 09 Apr 2006 07:59:00 PST

Non Conformists Conform To Non Conformitism

Alot of kids these days join particlular groups and are recognized by how they act and appear. WELL. I and probably you have come across some people who say that they dont "belong" or "conform to anyo...
Posted by §amØ on Sun, 09 Apr 2006 07:53:00 PST