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I was a prodigal son. I was a reprobate sinner, lost in sin and self, knowing the truth but loving the darkness, and dying by inches in pain, misery, and self-loathing. Jesus Christ set me free, and He saved me from dead, hypocritical, Sunday-morning religion at the same time! If you are hurting you can be set free! Jesus died for you, because He loves you. He loved you before you were even thought of! And you do not have to be a slave to drugs, or sex, or the world and its pressures and influence! Please watch this video, and my prayer is that the Holy Spirit will convict you and whisper God's love to you...and I love you too-I wouldn't speak the truth to you if I did not love you! My prayers are with anyone who is hurting, dying, and enslaved by this world or by dead religions.
"Rejoice Always, Pray Without Ceasing, In Everything Give Thanks; For This Is The Will Of God In Christ Jesus For You.
Do Not Quench The Spirit. Do Not Despise Prophecies. Test All Things; Hold Fast What Is Good. Abstain From Every Form Of Evil.
Now May The God Of Peace Himself Sanctify You Completely; And May Your Whole Spirit, Soul, And Body Be Preserved Blameless At The Coming Of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
He Who Calls You Is Faithful, Who Also Will Do It."
(1 Thessalonians 5:16-24)
<251.) "Exposing More Religious Intolerance within Academia"...from 2/28/09
250.) "Exposing Another Muslim Lie" Chad Groening 2/28/09
249.) "A Blood Covenant for Sovereign Revival" Joseph Chambers 2/28/09
248.) "The Triumph Of Your Cross" Joseph Chambers 2/20/09
247.) "America, Socialism, and You!" Rich Tucker 2/14/09
246.) "Israel Is A Lamb Among Wolves" Bert Prelutsky 2/14/09
245.) "Barrack Hussein Obama Gives Our Nation Away!" Ben Shapiro 2/14/09
244.) "The Word of Forgiveness" Arthur Pink 2/12/09
243.) "A Response To the 2008 Presidential Election" Dutch Sheets 2/12/09
242.) "The Truth About Homosexuality"...from BattleCry magazine 2/12/09
241.) "Crossing Paths with God" Dan Ecklund 1/16/09
240.) "What Atheists Really Believe" J. Lovelace 1/16/09
239.) "Exiles and Patriots"...from World magazine 1/15/09
238.) "Seven Big Lies"...from World magazine 1/15/09
237.) "Hate Crimes Legislation" Bob Unruh 12/10/08
236.) "Are You Asleep?" J.C. Ryle 10/18/08
235.) "Electing Love" Robert MCheyne 10/18/08
234.) "Exposing Homosexual Intolerance"...from WorldNetDaily 19/18/08
233.) "Exposing Liberal Hypocrisy" John Perazzo 4/25/08
232.) "Mighty Through God" Joseph Chambers 4/25/08
231.) Three Sermons From Joseph Chambers 4/17/08
230.) "The Saint Must Walk Alone" A.W. Tozer 2/17/08
229.) Three Exhortations From Joseph Chambers 2/2/08
228.) "What Is A Christian?" 2/1/08
227.) "Is Homosexuality Still A Sin?" 2/1/08
226.) "Shameful Ironies!" Dave Hunt 2/1/08
225.) "A Call to Repentance" Dave Hunt 2/1/08
224.) "My Trip To the Rethink Conference" Roger Oakland 1/24/08
223.) "Where Will You Spend Eternity?" 1/22/08
222.) "Dr. Michael Yeager's Vision of Hell" 1/22/08"
221.) "Exposing the Religious Intolerance In Our Educational Systems" 1/18/08
220.) "What It Means to Accept Christ" A.W. Tozer 1/14/08
219.) "The Inadequacy of 'Instant Christianity'" A.W. Tozer 1/14/08
218.) "Hindu Persecution and Intolerance" 1/12/08
217.) "Thomas Welch and His Hellish Experience"...from Christ for the Nations 1/12/08
216.) "Revelations of Hell by Seven Youths (4 visions)" 1/11/08
215.) "The Transformed Disciple (Romans 12:1-2)" J.C. Wenger 1/10/08
214.) "A Life Of Discipleship" Leland M. Haines 1/8/08
213.) Exposing Oprah-Her Lies and Her Heretic Philosophies...from and article by Warren Smith 1/8/08
212.) "The Healing Ministry of Jesus" Hamilton and Helena Filmater 1/7/08
211.) "A Mission Of Peculiarity" Jim Elliff 1/5/08
210.) "The Littlest Sinners" Jim Elliff and Steve Burchett 1/5/08
209.) (A SOBERING MESSAGE FOR COMPANY AND COWORKERS) "Baptism Does Not Save!" J.R. Rice 12/27/07
208.) "Christmas-Is It Christian or pagan?"...from 12/27/07
207.) "A Vision Of Hell" Greg Gordon 12/26
206.) "Should A Christian Be Free From Idolatry?" John S. Torell 12/25/07
205.) "The Truth About Christmas" John S. Torell 12/25/07
204.) "The Truth About Christmas" R.F. Becker 12/25/07
203.) "The Cross" (A Message For Pastors In Richmond, VA) Richard W. O'FFill 12/24/07
202.) "Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage (A Biblical Stand) Ronald E. Williams 12/24/07
201.) Exposing Anti-Semitism and Muslim Lies (Two News Articles) 12/18/07
199.) "The Short List" Shawn Wilkerson 12/12/07
198.) "The Prayer of Faith" R.A. Torrey 12/11/07
197.) "Deliverance to the Captives" Smith Wigglesworth 12/11/07
196.) "Preaching A Superficial Gospel" Greg Gordon 12/11/07
195.) "Confessions Of A Proud Church" Greg Gordon 12/11/07
194.) "Today's Synthetic Gospel" Greg Gordon 12/8/07
193.) "The Truth About Cremation" Bill Burkett 12/6/07
192.) "The Abiding Life" Jim Elliff 12/6/07
191.) "A Tale Of Two Cindys" Daryl Wingerd 12/6/07
190.) "WHAT IS A CHRISTIAN?" Anonymous 12/4/07
189.) "P.U.S.H.!" Anonymous 12/1/07
188.) "The Faith Once Delivered" Joseph F. Chambers 11/30/07
187.) "Marriage Issues-Part One (Divorce and Remarriage" Mark Roth 11/30/07
186.) "Marriage Issues-Part Two (Divorce and Remarriage)" Mark Roth 11/30/07
185.) "The Christian's Relation To the Nation" Ralph Shank 11/30/07
184.) "Can A Born Again Christian Be A Government Leader?" Roger Berry 11/30/07
183.) "Nonresistance and Nonparticipation in Civil Government" Paul Horst 11/30/07
182.) "Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage (A Biblical Stand)" Ronald E. Williams 11/30/07
181.) "Gang Rape In Annapolis, Saudi-style" Frank Gaffney, Jr. 11/30/07
180.) "What Happened To the Cross?" Richard W. O'FFill 11/28/07
179.) (A MESSAGE FOR COMPANY AND COWORKERS) "What Is A Christian?" 11/28/07
178.) "Pulling Down the Ruler of Darkness" Joseph F. Chambers 11/22/07
177.) "Never Compromise Your Principles" Luis Padilla 11/18/07
176.) "The Invincible Power of Prayer" Joseph F. Chambers 11/16/07
175.) "Are You Asleep?" J.C. Ryle 11/15/07
174.) "A Clean Church" Seth Rees 11/15/07
173.) "Have We No Tears For Revival" Leonard Ravenhill 11/15/07
172.) "Electing Love" Robert M'Cheyne 11/15/07
171.) "Bewitched" Ray Pringle 11/15/07
170.) "Postmodern Truth vs. Biblical Truth" D. Massimo Lorenzini 11/12/07
169.)(A MESSAGE FOR COMPANY AND COWORKERS) "How To Know If You Are A Real Christian" Jonathan Edwards 11/12/07
168.) "What It Means To Be Filled With The Holy Ghost" Smith Wigglesworth 11/12/07
167.) "Picture of A Prophet" Leonard Ravenhill 11/12/07
166.) "Love, Justice, and Judgment" Dave Hunt 11/12/07
165.) "The Secret Seduction" Dave Hunt 11/12/07
164.) "They Have Forsaken the Lord" Dave Hunt 11/12/07
163.) "The Care and Feeding Of Flies" Jim Elliff 11/12/07
162.) "Christ The Way, The Truth, and The Life" Robert M'Cheyne 11/11/07
161.) "The Hireling and the True Shepherd" Robert M'Cheyne 11/10/07
160.)"The Cross and the Mass" (Exposing Roman Catholic Heresy) Richard Bennett 11/10/07
159.)A Collection of Exhortations and Encouraging Articles from Christian Communicators Worldwide 11/5/07
158.)Recognizing Emergent Heresies and False Doctrines...from a commentary by Roger Oakland 11/3/07
157.)Exposing Tony Campolo and His Heresies...from a commentary by Roger Oakland 11/3/07
156.)A LIFESAVING MESSAGE FOR RICHMOND RESTARAUNT article by Pastor Joseph Chambers 11/3/07
156.)"Should Christians Participate in Halloween?" article by Chuck Missler from Koinonia House 10/29/07
155.)"Halloween Exposed" William J. Schnoebelen 10/29/07
154.)"Halloween and Christianity" 10/29/07
153.)Exposing More Muslim Lies-Articles by Esther Levas and Hillel Fendel 10/23/07
152.)An Exhortation from Pastor Greg Laurie 10/23/07
151.)AN OPEN LETTER TO THE RELIGIOUS LEADERS OF RICHMOND, Sean Jutzi 10/22/07 (revised 11/4/07)
149.)A Message For Muslim Immigrants To Australia, From the Prime Minister and Cabinet
148.)"End-Time Economy As A Forecast Of Last Days" Terry James 10/21/07
147.)"Why the Rebirth Of Israel Is An End-Times Sign" Jack Kelley 10/21/07
146.)"Holiness Is A Part Of A Larger Struggle"...from 10/18/07
145.)"Exposing the Hypocrisy Within Islam" 10/17/07
144.)"Be Ye Seperate"...from 10/14/07
143.)"Holiness" Gladwin Koehn 10/14/07
142.)"A Life Of Discipleship" Leland M. Haines 10/14/07
141.)"Intolerance In The University"...from Koinonia House 10/11/07
140.)"Exposing Another Muslim/Islamic Lie" Mordechai Keisler 10/8/07
139.)"When The Fire Falls"...from 10/7/07
138.)"Exposing Roman Catholicism"...from 10/4/07
137.)"Exposing the Seventh-Day Adventists"...from 10/4/07
136.)"Will Christ Remove Your Church's Candlestick?"...from 10/2/07
135.)"Prepared For the Slaughter" John Green 10/2/07
134.)"A Preview Of Hoodwinked...from Conspiracy Digest 9/29/07
133.)"An Introduction To the Leadership and Publishing Company Behind the New-Age Movement" Terry madison 9/29/07
132.)"Holy War" 9/28/07
131.)"Five Resolves For Personal Revival" Jim Elliff 9/27/07
130.)"Taking The Edge Off"...from Christian Communicators Worldwide 9/27/07
129.)"A Mission Of Peculiarity" Jim Elliff 9/27/07
128.)"The Life That Can Pray" Andrew Murray 9/24/07
127.)"Are You Ready?...Jesus is Coming Soon!"...from 9/24/07
126.)"The Sprinkling Of The Blood" Pastor Joseph Chambers 9/23/07
125.)"Four Tragic Shifts In The Visible Church" Jon Zens 9/23/07
124.)"Why Do Churches Hire Wolves?" Bob DeWaay 9/22/07
123.)"God's Grace Leads To Discipleship" Leland M. Haines 9/21/07
122.)"Whose Place On Calvary?" James A. Goering 9/21/07
121.)"Too Difficult?" 9/18/07
120.)"Another Look At Modern-day Christianity" 9/17/07
119.)"Holiness vs. Legalism" 9/17/07
118.)"A Message For Roman Catholics" Rebecca Sexton 9/17/07
117.)"Ten Shekels and A Shirt" Paris Reidhead 9/13/07
116.)"Seperation: The Call To Purity" Pastor David L. Brown 9/11/07
115.)"Music-The Beat Of Society" Rick Rogers 9/11/07
114.)"Is It Right To Judge?" Pastor David L. Brown 9/11/07
113.)"The Woman's Role In the Home, the Church, and Society" Pastor David L. Brown 9/7/07
112.)"The Emerging Roger Oakland 9/7/07
111.)"Exposing the Jehovah's Witness/Watchtower Society...from 9/6/07
110.)"ARE CARNAL CHRISTIANS REALLY CHRISTIANS?" Samuel Walkdron (An Exhortation For Company And Coworkers) 9/6/07
109."Once Saved, Always Saved Is A FALSE Doctrine!!" J.L. Stauffer 9/6/07
108.)"DO YOU RESPECT GOD?" J.W. Depson 9/3/07
107.)"The Unrepenting Repenter" Jim Elliff 8/30/07
106.)"THREE ENEMIES" Chip Brogden 8/28/07
105.)"The Old Cross and The New" A.W. Tozer 8/28/07
104.)"The Prayer Of A Minor Prophet" A.W. Tozer 8/28/07
103.)"The Gift Of Prophetic Insight" A.W. Tozer 8/28/07
102.)"Ecumenism And The Modern-Day Church" Sandy Simpson 8/28/07
101.)"A Response To The Roman Catholic and Lutheran Perversions Of Biblical Communion" Jim Elliff 8/21/07
100.)"Drinking From the Bitter Waters" James McAlister 8/20/07
99.)PART THREE from "The Chief Sinners Objects of the Choicest Mercy" Stephen Charnock 8/20/07
98.)PART TWO from "The Chief Sinners Objects of the Choicest Mercy" Stephen Charnock 8/20/07
97.)PART ONE from "The Chief Sinners Objects of the Choicest Mercy" Stephen Charnock 8/20/07
96.)"Faith, Obedience, and God’s Word"...a note from Thomas Boston 8/20/07
95.)"A Kind Of Pleasing Pain" Daryl Wingerd 8/17/07
94.)"The Field-Goal Principle" Daryl Wingerd 8/17/07
93.)"The Truth Behind The High Point Church Incident" 8/15/07
92.)"AN OPEN LETTER--To Richmond Restaraunt Service" Sean Jutzi 8/15/07
91.)"The High Calling" Gordon Lindsay 8/15/07
90.)"Abstinence" 8/7/07
89.)"How Does God View Modern Dating?" ..
88.)"Losing Heart" James McAlister 8/6/07
87.)"The Abiding Life" Jim Elliff 8/5/07
86.)"Is It Okay For Christians To Curse?" Daryl Wingerd 8/5/07
85.)"God Asks All" James Stewart 8/1/07
84.)"Harzardous Materialism" J.V. Fesko 8/1/07
83.)"Bloodshed Toucheth Bloodshed" 7/31/07
82.)"Planned Parenthood Protects Pedophiles and Rapists" 7/31/07
81.)"C.A.I.R. Is Exposed As A Terrorist Front" 7/30/07
80.)"Jordon Is Palestine" MK Arieh Eldad 7/30/07
79.)"A Case For Holy Living" John MacArthur 7/23/07
78.)"ABORTION...the North American Holocaust" 7/16/07
77.)"Christian Conversion" Brian Allison 7/16/07
76.)"HE IS MY LORD" Anonymous 7/16/07
75.)"True Christian Unity vs. False Religious Unity" Bob Dewaay 7/15/07
73.)"A Way Of Escape!" Anonymous 7/12/07
72.)"All Or Nothing" Dr.Russell V. DeLong 7/10/07
71.)"Revival Fires...let this be our prayer" 7/10/07
70.)"How To Know If You Are A Real Christian" Jonathan Edwards 7/9/07
69.)"Love The Lord Jesus Christ!"... by Thomas Brooks 7/9/07
68.)"Directions Against Man-Pleasing" Richard Baxter 7/9/07
67.)"A Pastor's Secret Heart" 7/9/07
66.)"Exposition Must Have Application" A.W. Tozer 7/9/07
65.)"The Dogmatic Spirit" Benjamin Warfield 6/28/07
63.)"True Repentance" Jim Elliff 6/13/07
62.)"Examining A False Repentance" Jim Elliff 6/8/07
62.)"35 Reasons Not To Sin" Jim Elliff 6/13/07
61.)"Subverters Of Souls" New Life Bible Chapel 6/8/07
60.)"Which Law Are We Under?" New Life Bible Chapel 6/8/07
59.)"Are You Born Again?" J.C. Ryle 6/7/07
58.)"The Emerging Church and Bible Prophecy" Roger Oakland 6/7/07
57.)"The Greatness Of The Cross" T. Austin Sparks 6/7/07
56.)"Walk The Roman Road With Me" Kevin Haag 6/2/07
55-63.)"107 THESES; by Steve Camp...Part One through to Part Eight" 5/31/07
54.)"107 THESES; by Steve Camp...Opening Statement" 5/30/07
53.)"CHRIST IS ALL IN ALL" Jeremiah Burroughs 5/29/07
52.)"Building Bridges" 5/29/07
51.)"WE CANNOT BE SOFT ON SIN" 5/29/07
50.)"Thoughts On Worship...are we idolatrous??" 5/28/07
49.)"WITH HEARTS AND MINDS AND VOICES" John MacArthur 5/28/07
48.)"MUSIC IN THE NEW-TESTAMENT CHURCH" David F. Reagan 5/26/07
47.)"Christian Living, by Kevin Haag" 5/24/07
46.)"THE WORD OUR ONLY RULE" 5/21/07
45.)"Who Really Supports Israel?" 5/21/07
44.)"PSALM 101..stand your ground!" 5/19/07
43.)"PROFESSIONAL DISHONESTY...the media and abortion" 5/19/07
42.)"THE COST" J.C. Ryle 5/14/07
*41.)"WAKE UP...and defend yourselves! (Part One) "Judging A Righteous Judgement" 5/12/07
40.)"HEBREWS 12:14...Are You Applying it Daily? 5/10/07
39.)"You Can Choose...not to sin! 5/10/07
38.)"On 'Palestinian' Terrorism As Sacrificial Behaviour" 5/9/07
37.)"The Truth About Palestine" 5/9/07
36.)"Count The Cost, Take Up Your Cross, And Follow Jesus...without compromise!" 5/8/07
35.)"Are You Using God's Grace To Justify Your Sin?...It's time to grow up!" 5/8/07
34.)"Truth and Love vs. Peace and Unity...will you compromise?" 5/7/07
*33.)"WAKE UP...And Defend Yourselves"-(Introduction) 5/1/07
32.)"Are 'Emerging Church' Critics Too Critical?" 4/26/07
31.)"The Character Of A Sound Christian..." 4/25/07
30.)"A Clarion Call To The Modern Church" 4/24/07
29.)"Psalm 51...A Call To Repentance" 4/19/07
28.)"Cheers and Jeers" 4/11/07
27.)"Mortifying The Flesh" 4/11/07
26.)"The Hague Condemns Israel With Absurd Ruling" 4/10/07
25.)"Salty Preaching" 4/5/07
24.)"Love God...Hate Sin..." 3/27/07
23.)"The Martyr's Mirror" 3/27/07
22.)"How To Live The Christian Life" 3/19/07
21.)"How To Become A Christian" 3/19/07
20.)"Psalm 86" 3/15/07
19.)"Preaching That Hinders Revival" 3/15/07
18.)"Psalm 19" 3/5/07
17.)"Gems From Tozer" 3/1/07
16.)"Marks Of A True Conversion" 2/26/07
15.)"Psalm 96" 2/24/07
14.)"An Open Letter...To A Lady In Church Hill, Richmond VA 2/24/07
13.)"Psalm 26" 2/22/07
12.)"A Word To The Church...Take Heed Preachers and Teachers" 2/13/07
11.)"Selections From Psalm 119 2/10/07
10.)"The Line Is Drawn...Where Do You Stand? 2/10/07
9.)"Psalm 16" 1/29/07
8.)"Rick Warren" and "Religion vs. Christianity" 1/11/07
7.)"I'm Not Running" 12/26/07
6.)"Cal Tjader and Eddie Palmieri" 12/11/07
5.)"Johnne Donne" 12/7/07
4.)"Decline In Reading Diminishes Our Common Culture" 12/6/06
3.)"Random Thoughts..." 12/5/06
2.)"Funny Dialogue..." 11/30/06
1.)"Johnny Cash Does Denmark" 11/27/06
I enjoy Bible-study and church, visiting my parents and helping Dad around the house, any opportunity I get to spread the good news of Jesus Christ in the fallen world that surrounds me, reading/writing, learning to play guitar, fishing, music and some movies, creating walking sticks, my kitties--Marcy and Leah (Mikey has moved on...).
I was involved in a lot of bad stuff before I gave my heart to God. I know what a life of mental pain, confusion, and spiritual emptiness is like. I was involved in witchcraft, ritual magic, and several forms of Divination (with the resulting consequences being manic-depression and suicidal tendancies), I was a thief, a liar, and a degenerate sinner addicted to many pursuits, pleasures, and substances which were self-destructive...but Jesus set me free from all of that bondage and slavery, and He died for you, too! And I can tell you with the authority of Jesus Christ that there is no future in any form of Witchcraft, Paganism, or the pursuit of Occult/Arcane knowledge--We need to pray for and correct those who are trapped in lifestyles of dangerous rebellion and Satanic bondage, for only the power of the pure and precious blood of Jesus Christ which was poured out on the old rugged Cross can set them free.
The power of God literally and supernaturally changed me overnight...He did what no psychologist, psychiatrist, 12-step program, or self-help motivational program could do. I did not decide to deliver myself, how could I? I did not have the power within me to lay down my cigarettes for more than three hours. But the night I gave my heart, mind and soul to Jesus Christ I was completely delivered from drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes...I found that I no longer had a desire for that junk! I had lived a rock and roll lifestyle with thousands of dollars worth of secular music, but I got rid of that junk and that worldview without qualm...(and for those who profess Christ and after three years still cannot rid themselves of their past life I tell you that if you have been truly born again the Holy Spirit will give you the strength and grace to WANT to be free---if you are really saved!). I lost the taste for blasphemy and cursing, and I began to think and see things with a clear mind and open eyes. And I have the love of Christ for the lost, I have compassion and pity for the lost...but I walked away from every close and personal friendship with my old acquaintances, because my old friends could not accept what Christ had done for me...they said it was a fad and that I would "come back around", well, that was three years ago and I proclaim that I am still a child of my Heavenly Father and a disciple of Jesus Christ and there is nothing this world can offer me that is worth an eternity in hell...and I no longer have anything in common with my old lifestyle. The old Sean is dead, you won't find him anymore, and the new Sean has been resurrected into a born again life in Christ Jesus!
I believe that the Baptism in the Holy Spirit is a gift of God and is given to any believer who believes and asks in faith. I believe that this Baptism in the Spirit, which occurs AFTER conversion, is absolutely necessary in the life of a believer in order to equip the believer to preach the gospel, to minister healing and deliverance (by the power of Jesus Christ, in His name), to rightly interpret scripture, and to overcome sin, the world, and satan. The only other option is a Denominational approach; praying with hesitation, walking in fear of men and turning to the methods and means of this world's institutions and society for help, and relying on the half-baked messages of seminaries and self-made men who have no business being in any pulpit! I believe that the ONLY SURE evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit is a personal/private prayer language; a gift of Tongues. I believe that the Blood of Jesus covers our sins, and I believe that we are delivered from sickness, poverty, and satanic strongholds and addictions through the power of Jesus' name and His shed blood...those who are born again have already received everything they need to conquer sin, fear, sickness, and poverty; it is only a matter of your faith and a right relationship with God in order for you to receive all of your divine inheritance. I believe that when Jesus promised to empower His disciples He meant all of His disciples, from the time that He walked the earth until the rapture of the church, just as He prophesied. Christ is eternal and God's promises are eternal, God is unchanging and does not go back on His Word. If you ask and do not receive the problem is not God, or the Bible, because every promise and Biblical prophesy IS God's will revealed to you; so look within your heart, for the problem is within you. It is your unconfessed sin, your doubt, your unbelief, your fear, or your lack of faith. Jesus did NOT dispensationalize one single promise to the church. And I believe that modern-day Christianity as is presented by almost all of the mainline Denominations and seminaries is out of line with the Word of God, and breeds a dependance upon man, teaching a system of doubt and unbelief. I am not going to backdown from or be intimidated by a religious system of empty rituals, dead works, and false doctrines. We must preach the Truth of God's Word without fear or compromise, regardless of what "liberal theology" or Sunday morning pulpit-prostitutes teach.
(ROMANS 1:16)
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(HEBREWS 13:8)
And He said to me, "It is done! I am the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts. He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be my son. But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the Lake which burns with Fire and Brimstone, which is the second death." (REVELATION 21:6-8)
...Jesus Christ spoke this Absolute Truth to the apostle John; it is a divine revelation of your eternity. Where will you spend your eternity? Please, dear heart, consider the only have one life to live, and you will not get a second chance when you stand before the great Throne of Judgement!
Lookup a word or passage in the Bible
The love of Christ without the hard, straight and narrow message of His Word is not true love--don't let the mainstream church fool you with it's "tolerance, peace, and unity"--the only true peace and love a Christian or lost soul can experience comes from absolutely surrendering everything to Christ on His terms, and His way can be very difficult for the lukewarm and complacent hearts found in most churches today. Selah!
...Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.
...For all the promises of God in Him are YES, and in Him AMEN, to the glory of God through us.
(COLOSSIANS 1:13-14)
...He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.
(2 TIMOTHY 3:14-17)
...But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture is given by God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
(HEBREWS 3:12-14)
...Beware, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God; but exhort one another daily, while it is called "Today," lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin. For we have become partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast to the end.
(HEBREWS 11:6)
...But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
(HEBREWS 11:1)
...Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
(JAMES 1:2-4)
...My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.
(ISAIAH 12:1-2)
..."O Lord, I will praise You; though You were angry with me, your anger is turned away, and you comfort me. Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; 'For YAH, the Lord, is my strength and song; He also has become my salvation."
(ISAIAH 1:18-20)
..."Come now, and let us reason together," says the Lord, "Though your sins are red as scarlet, they shall soon be as white as snow; though they are like crimson, they shall be as wool. If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat of the good of the land; but if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured by the sword"; for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.
(PSALM 141:3-4)
...Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door to my lips, do not incline my heart to any evil thing, to practice wicked works with men who work iniquity; and do not let me eat of their delicacies.
(PSALM 86:4-5)
...Rejoice the soul of Your servant, for to You, O Lord, I lift up my soul. For You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive, and abundant in mercy to all those who call upon You.
..."Therefore you shall be careful to do as the Lord your God has commanded you; you shall not turn aside to the right hand or to the left. [WALK THE LINE!] You shall walk in all the ways which the Lord your God has commanded you, that you may live and that it may be well with you, and that you may prolong your days in the land which you shall possess.
(JOSHUA 1:8-9)
... This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."
As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. Beware lest anyone cheat you with philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ. For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.
(PSALM 31:19-20)
Oh how great is Your goodness, which You have laid up for those who fear You, which You have prepared for those who trust in You in the presence of the sons of men! You shall hide them in the secret place of Your presence from the plots of man; You shall keep them secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongues.
Christ Is Risen, Darwin Is Still Dead! God is truth and holiness, God is love and mercy... REPENT OR PERISH!
JESUS CHRIST: Saviour, Sanctifier, Healer, Redeemer
The following scriptures are a genuine prophecy given to Isaiah about seven hundred years before the birth of Christ. It describes the death of Christ, and the reason for the death of Jesus, that is, to make a way for us to be reconciled from our sins with God the Father, and to be completely healed and delivered from poverty, sickness, and fear...
"Who has believed our report? And to whom has the strong hand of the Lord been revealed? For He shall grow up before Him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground. He has no form or comeliness; and when we see Him, there is no beauty that we should desire Him. He is despised and rejected by men, a Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. And we hid, as it were, our faces from Him; He was despised, and we did not esteem Him. *Surely He has born our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed Him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions [disobedience], He was bruised for our iniquity [sin], the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed [physically, mentally and spiritually]. All we like sheep have turned astray; we have turned, every one, to his own way; and the Lord has laid upon Him the iniquity of us all." (ISAIAH 53:1-6)