1. obdobje od oktobra 2004 do aprila 2005
Zacetki Snorkl banda segajo v leto 2004, ko se je prvotna peterica clanov zbrala z namenom, da popestri taborniski zakljucek rodu Jezerski zmaj iz Velenja. Po uspesnem koncertu je okoli banda zavladalo januarsko zatisje, ki je pripeljalo band do spoznanja, da lahko z nekaj vaje spoznajo odersko zivljenje, ter seveda koristno vlagajo posti cas v sprostitev in zabavo tudi za druge. Spomladi je band dozivel prve menjave, saj je pevca Tomaza Hudomalja - Huga zamenjal Roman Kopitar, kitarista Roka Cojhtra Klemen Bujan, ki je bobne prepustil Galu Pungartniku. Tako se je koncalo prvo obdobje banda.
2. obdobje od avgusta 2005 do junija 2006Osvezitev je bendu prisla prav, saj so clani zaceli s polno paro vaditi ter vlagati vedno vec truda v avtorsko glasbo. Leto 2005 je bilo prelomno, fantje so se odlocili za pravi zacetek. Debitantski nastop v novi postavi so odigrali v Velenjskem klubu Max, kjer je navdusenje obcinstva pokazalo da Snorkl band kaze potenciale, za tem pa so zopet navdusili Salesko tabornisko obcinstvo ob zakljucku leta. Danes fantje pridno vadijo, ustvarjajo glasbo, si poizkusajo nabrati nekaj kilometrine na odrih sirom slovenije.
V bandu je zal prislo do obdobja, ko je bilo treba reci bobu bob, po skupnem pogovoru smo se clani banda vsi tudi Gal skupaj odlocili, da zakljucimo plodno obdobje sodelovanja z Galom in poiscemo novega bobnarja. Gal Pungartnik je zapustil skupino po skoraj enoletnem skupnem sodelovanju skupaj smo dali cez 11 nepozabnih koncertov toda potreben je bil korak naprej, in tako se je zakljucilo drugo obdobje Snorkl banda.
3. obdobje od junija 2006 do julija 2006Band se naprej ustvarja avtorsko glasbo in nastopa sirom slovenije z novo pridobitvijo, z novim bobnarjem Stefom Prajspergerjem iz Postojne nadaljujemo zgodbo Snorkl banda... zal zaradi pomanjkanja casa in tezke uskladitve urnikov, se je koncalo sodelovanje z Stefom, v dobrem mesecu smo se veliko naucili od velikega mojstra bobnov, seveda se nase prijateljstvo se vedno nadaljuje in s tem tudi stiki ...
4. obdobje od julija 2006 do decembra 2007v dveh letih zamenjava prakticno 4 razlicnih ljudi na bobnih, smo koncno prepricani da je to to, nasi cilji, vizija, zelje po ustvarjanju so se ujele z cilji, zeljami in vizijo Tea Vranca iz okolice Velenja, ker se poznamo ze nekaj casa in ker mu je vsec nas stil glasbe se je takoj pocutil domacega, in se po dvojnih vajah odigral koncert. V oktobru se bomo spravili tudi kaj posnet, saj je svezino in znanje, ki jo je prinesel Teo potrebno izkoristi ...
Se vidimo pod odrom, Snorkl band
BIG ADDICTION OBDOBJE!!! (Snorkli so do neke mere odrasli...in s tem je nastopilo novo obdobje...BIG ADDICTION!!! Za vec informacij o bandu itd. pojdite na http://www.myspace.com/bigaddiction ...ROCK'N'ROLL ON!!!BIG ADDICTION THE ONLY ADDICTION THAT IS GOOD FOR YOU!!!
1st phase (October 2004 – April 2005)
The beginnings of Snorkl band go back to 2004, when the former five members got together in order to entertain Lake Dragon scouts at their annual party. The successful concert was followed by January’s calmness, which led the band to conclusion that with little practice they will easily get to know stage life and at the same time spend their spare time loosening and entertaining themselves as well as others. In spring first changes took place. Singer Tomaz Hudomalj – Hugo was replaced by Roman Kopitar. Former drummer Klemen Bujan became guitarist (in replacement for Rok Cojhter) and his job was taken by Gal Pungartnik. First period of the band ended thereby...
2nd phase (August 2005 – June 2006)Refreshment was perfect for the band as they started practicing at full speed and made every effort upon making their own music. Year 2005 was ‘the year’. Guys made a real start. Their debut with the new member was in Max (a club in Velenje), where public’s enthusiasm demonstrated the band’s potentials. This concert was soon followed by another enrapturing performance for scouts of Saleska valley at the end of the year. Band members were then practicing regularly, making music and trying to gain some experience by concerting all around Slovenia.
Unfortunately, an unpleasant era followed, when all band members together – including Gal himself – decided to end the extremely productive phase of working with Gal and find a new drummer. Gal Pungartnik thus left the band after nearly one year of collaboration and 11 unforgettable concerts. His departure concluded the band’s second era...
3rd phase (June 2006 – July 2006)Band members were making their own music and performing throughout Slovenia with the new drummer Stef Prajnsperger from Postojna who rendered the tale of ..norkl band possible to continue. Unfortunately the collaboration did not last long due to lack of time difficulties in adjusting the schedules. In a good month we have learnt a great deal from the great master of drumming. Of course our friendship is not over yet…
4th phase (from July 2006 to december 2007)After two years and 4 drummers we are convinced that our aims, visions and wishes finally met those of new drummer – Teo Vranc from the outskirts of Velenje. We have known him for quite a while and he likes our music style, so it was not hard for him to make himself at home. After rehearsing with the band only twice, he was all set for the concert! We should make good use of Teo’s freshness and knowledge, so we are planning to finally record some of our music …
BIG ADDICTION phase (2008 and still lasting)Snorkl band has grown up and this is a start of new, hard, dirty rock'n'roll!!! For more info go to: http://www.myspace.com/bigaddiction ... BIG ADDICTION...THE ONLY ADDICTION THAT IS GOOD FOR YOU!!!
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