Myspace Layouts at / Pinto horses
I Love the smell of freshly plowed dirt, the warmth of the sun, wading in warm mud puddles, the smell of a campfire, long walks in cool weather, the smell of my horses, dog heads on my leg, warm, purring cats snoozing on my lap, a hug from my grandchildren, fresh potatoes from the garden, eeyore,my career and all the animals that enrich my life, I love all 5 of my daughters, spring, cooking, my true friends! I hate housework, negative people,animal abuse, people who don't vote then complain about who is in office, moochers who think that the government owes them a living, brussel sprouts, cold rainy gloomy days, people who repeat themselves, whining children, whining adults, whining dogs, body fat,liars, people who use others, horses that trot instead of gait,those who play games, and bad hair days;)Cool Slideshows Blogs - Lisa Dames Sings the National Anthem at the Firestone Freedom 100 - Lisa Da