Member Since: 27/11/2006
Band Members: boxelder
Influences: rubber bands for cocks, naked ladies, gary and the dope-pushers, family ties, doug and the diggers, shira kantor, 2 monks and a nun, the dump trucks, george noory and the conspiracies, the liquid asses, the gals of november, the boni boys, unicorn facelift, the beheaders, oi! me eyes!, paul harvey and the enunciators, steve and the kitters, joe meower and the twins, apocalypse meow, tracy kitter, flock of cat, rowdy roddy piper, ian punnitt and the pansies, antoine mcgillicuddy, donny and the douche bags, alphonso snodgrass. marylin manson, the flamin' hooty hoos, joe doucheray, abortion face, gino saskatagracci, fartin' jenny and the toots, weed and shit, skranty-pants-pantler, dancin' davy's burlesque review, art bells of shin city, richard c. hoglund and the idiots, rookie, leonard theodore and the druggists, box elder, urkel, fffft, the haberdasher occupation, those old fashioned stockings, g.b. leighton, terry cloth and the clean-ups, tornado-in-my-face, richard dawkins and the creationists, the liquidated assets, the electric shoes, the jonny holm band, son of dork, ouija board chopsticks, pussy cat plaster, legs of gangrene.
Sounds Like: boxelder
Record Label: boxelder