Healing Hands for Humanity is a non-profit, progressive, international organization that has dedicated itself to bring Chiropractic and Acupuncture treatment to various geographical areas of the world. H3 prides itself on providing Chiropractic and Acupuncture treatment to those who otherwise would not be exposed to it. We care about health regardless of wealth. H3 makes frequent trips to Mexico, works in areas of South America and provides domestic help to individuals and organizations in the United States. We were formed at and work under the supervision of, Southern California University of Health Sciences in Whittier, CA. We are currently in the process of planning trips for 2008. We're looking forward to returning to some spots that we have worked at, such as Tijuana, Tecate, Jesus Maria, Mexico & Bolivia while also embarking on new destinations. Healing Hands for Humanity is always interest in meeting individuals and groups that share simialar interests to our own. Collaboration with others, allows more patients to be seen in a shorter time. We encourage anyone interest in donating their time to contact us and see how we can work together. Thank You to all those people who have helped H3 and we look forward to working with many of you in the future. Peace                                      Â