ςÏL¥ÞµÐî♂ profile picture


..The Muses manifest between.. the MOUSE and the CHAIR...

About Me

I F Y O U W O U L D L I K E T O B E M Y F R I E N D , Y O U M U S T M E S S A G E M E A N D T E L L M E W H A T Y O U L I K E T O W R A P Y O U R M I N D A R O U N D . S I M P L Y T H A T Y O U L I K E M Y P R O F I L E O R M Y V I D E O S C O N S T I T U T E S M Y S P A C E B R A I N S P A M , A N D W I L L B O R E M E . B E A U T I F U L F E M A L E S A R E E X E M P T F R O M T H I S R E Q U I R E M E N T , B U T A G O O D S E N S E O F H U M O U R I S M A N D A T O R Y . A N D A N E M A I L A D D R E S S I S A L S O N E E D E D S O I C A N S E N D G O O D I E S ! ! ; ^ } @ ~
The Enneagram

Stare at the Spheres.
Click and Swirl the Swarm

" C o m p u t e r s a r e s o I n g r a t i a t i n g
b e c a u s e t h e y S i l e n t l y f o l l o w c o m m a n d s
. . . .
a n d a r e N o n - J u d g e m e n t a l . " ( B L K ' 0 6 )

My Interests

Thank You for waiting....It is like

with Vitamins!!



Once upon a time, I had 93 eggs of Silly Putty. When smooshed together, it was the size of a soccer ball. I wrapped it in Saran Wrap to keep it clean and kept it on a plate of pristine shiny glass.

At special times, when Synaesthesia was all the norm, I would explore and manipulate the substance (with squeaky clean hands of course) and try to find new uses for the compound, or mold it into additional body parts-fingers, noses. I would slooooowly streeeetch it into stringy taffy, or snap/pop it into pieces.

All the while trying to not introduce any hair or dirt into my ball (and NO NEVER did I dare pick up a comic to muck it up!!). It was a facinating anomaly. More than anything else, I came to the nirvanic realization that the substance was not created intentionally for any purpose.. No one designed it.
So it must have been a mistake.
Therefore, I set out to correct it.


So, I set my experiments with boiled okra aside, and began concentrating on the Silly Putty. As I have handled the ball over a long time, it has shrunken in size as it has been gradually absorbed into my skin. The ball is marble sized now.
Over time, I have noticed that many benefits have resulted from the coalescense with the Silly Putty. My complexion and skin tone have greatly improved. My attitude is much more flexible. I have a photographic memory, and negative vibes bounce off me now.Therefore, I am CilyPudi. We also use it at the Hospital for PT.
I also choose the screen name CilyPudi because it is a completely original word/name, it is nearly a homophone, and is always available as a screen name. There is no Googled word close, haha

It has a C,Y,P and D which are interesting from a numerological perspective:
or "The Ancient of the Ancient Ones"

-- a title of Kether in Hebrew Gematria (according to Crowley's Sepher Sephiroth, Equinox Vol. I, No. 8) if the Nun final is taken as 50. Also the 1225 reduces to a perfect 10, then to 1 which vibrates well with my 7 life path number. And I am also Leo with Libra Rising, my Moon is in Cancer and my 1st House is Pisces, my Venus is in LEO haha.......................

So I like the name CilyPudi on many levels. It is androgynous (though I only have One) and fits well within the realm and environment of "Software" and Cyberspace and Quantum digitized shit. It is also humorously self-deprecating as it is nonsense gibberish. And should one make sense of it, their thoughts would most likely be directed toward a soft mass of a practically useless and strange chemical compound....MUCH LIKE MYSELF!! haha

Changing course, An alternative version of my life history would be: I was born, drank milk, expelled waste, expanded, then processed through an involuntary 12 year Public Educational SYSTEM imprinting.

Then, quite unexpectedly, I woke up ,lost my mind, and started making it up as I went along. Ran restaurants, then decided to pursue the study and practice of the Health Sciences and healthcare. Got my RN license. Made some money, got stuff. All the while exploring theurgy, hermetics, lucid dreaming, entheogens, metaphysics, synaesthestic music and painting. Met the computer in 1995 which grew into a longterm symbiotic relationship.

Presently, I am working part-time as a Chemical Engineer for SillyPutty Inc. I control the viscosity and am presently developing new fragrances and transparent aerosol compounds to spray onto basket balls, ping-pong equipment and bad checks.I have moon-lighted making neon phosphorescent twisties intended to frighten away racoons and O'possums from the trash...(gotta do something to break the monotony down here in the deep woods!).

Also, I have worked as a Critical Care Registered Nurse for some years in Memphis, and this has proved to be the most lucrative to myself. I have taken a very therapeutic Sabbatical, but caring for people brings me the most pleasure. I enjoy when Raechel and Jessica call :=)

I'd like to meet:

MYSELF in 20 years, ANYBODY OVER 1000 YEARS OLD, THE NEPHALIM, Moses, Enoch, TESLA, Leonardo da Vinci, G.I.Gurdjieff & Ouspensky, Castañeda & Don Juan Matus, Francis Bacon, Jack Parsons, Thomas Edison, Houdini, HPBlavatsky, Art Bell, Rasputin, Jordan Maxwell, The Bilderberg Group and Bill Clinton while attending the Bohmemian Grove Ceremony. Benjamin Franklin would be cool too :^)

UFO New! 2007 Must See This- 2 min



I D o N o t T h i n k T h e C r e a t o r m a d e m e o n t h i s E a r t h , a n d t h e n G a v e M e t h e D i l e m m a o f C h o o s i n g C o r r e c t l y B e t w e e n t h e 1 0 0 0 R e l i g i o n s i n t h e W o r l d , o r f a c e b e i n g E t e r n a l l y T o r t u r e d w i t h F i r e f o r c h o o s i n g i n c o r r e c t l y . E v e r y f a i t h h a s M a r t y r s w h o D i e d f o r t h e i r C o n v i c t i o n s . W h o c a n b e s o C e r t a i n ??"

Stereogram of a StarFish
Do Not Focus!


The first 45rpm rEcOrd(?) I ever bought was the theme song to "Sanford and Son" by Quincy Jones. I was probably 11. I grew up in a small SE country town and AM radio was all the norm. WCMA with Buddy Bain playing the latest in mono Country ballads every morning. Thank God we had a 8 TRACK PLAYER !!haha

Then, nothing going on but the 70's radio crap on, so I liked, the Carpenters, BTO, Carly Simon, Deep Purple, Iron Butterfly, Elvis etc....then when I was around 12, I met this friend named Mark. He was from up north and his last name was the same as my mothers, so I considered him a blood cousin. My mother claimed they were family anyway. He was a year older, so that meant a million times cooler.

So, Mark had a 20 year old brother who looked like Ted Nugent, and the guy was a Nugent freak also. So I got turned on to some Amboy Dukes, early Queen, Robin Trower, Jeff Beck, Led Zeppelin and mostly Pink Floyd's 'Wish You Were Here'. That album really intrigued me as a kid. It clicked. It was like some MAGIC 3D music at the time!!

Then I randomly ventured my way about some Blue Oyster Cult, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Rush, Kansas, ELO, YES......then when I was 15 I joined a band called Indigo as singer and lyricist (aka Jim Morrison flashback, I was "Going through my 'Doors' Period" then. (Did you experience the Lizard Kings mosaic Carpet Snakes?);o}

Being in this music environment exposed me to a cornucopia of musical styles. And being an experimenter as a teen, I began to explore and realize the synergistic relationship between certain entheogens and musical tones as they were keeping time, creating shapes and patterns in my minds eye.

They could work together in my central nervous system to produce a profound awareness very spiritual in nature. The medical term for this is Synaesthesia, and the experience had a big effect on my future taste in music and certain artist.

I came to realize that certain musicians/producers knew how to most appositely connect certain tones and rhythms, using the latest sonic technology, to most effectively evoke the most pregnant mental imagery. I call it FUNKING UP QuDrAdELiC PREGNANT RHYTHMS morphing into FrencH like WresTlinG, TrianGle ReLateD!! just kidding ;-)

Some music can "do it". And some music cannot. All music can create a flashy mental wallpaper to cover the boring monotony of silence, but not all music can be used, when actively concentrated upon, to become a virtual mental hologram, a beautiful realization, in which one can interact and mold and study within. Sorta like doing one of those Magic-Eye pictures in your mind, with eyes closed, and the notes of the Music form the Sterogram. Or maybe also like a 3D View Master box.

So over the years I have delved into the work of Brian Eno, Robert Fripp, Tangerine Dream, Roxy Music, Pink Floyd, Moody Blues, YES, Genesis and Peter Gabriel, Van Der Graaf Generator, Talking Heads, Grateful Dead, Hendrix....and whatever music I may be currently passively listening to that begins to "do that picture making stuff" in my head. This will catch my ear and I will explore it.

I enjoy the masters of all sorts and genres of music. There is the good of every style. Violins and synthesizers are favorite instruments. I especially like watching people create music live in an intimate setting. Rap/Hip-Hop music stirs absolutely nothing within me unless it is funny or extremely shocking and crazy outrageous. Cartoon music completely messes up my dreams, so i can't sleep with it on. Two chords of Soap Opera music induces a spontaneous torpid Valiumated Narcolepsy and demands my immediate attention to push the button. Also, I have a Doctorate from Poofters Froth Wyoming University, PHD in Frank Zappa.


K i n g C r i m s o n , T a l k i n g H e a d s , Y e s , T a n g e r i n e D r e a m , F r a n k Z a p p a a n d T h e M o t h e r s o f I n v e n t i o n , P e t e r G a b r i e l , R o x y M u s i c , B r i a n E n o , J i m i H e n d r i x , P i n k F l o y d , S h p o n g l e , S y d B a r r e t t , T h e B u t t h o l e S u r f e r s , R u s h , T o o l , B e B o p D e l u x e , R o b e r t F r i p p , P a n t e r a , M o r p h i n e , K a n s a s , P e t e r T o s h , K i t a r o , G e n e s i s , M a h a v i s h n u O r c h e s t r a , V a n i l l a F u d g e , T h e G r a t e f u l D e a d , R e d H o t C h i l i P e p p e r s , T h e M o o d y B l u e s , V a n d e r G r a a f G e n e r a t o r , J e a n L u c P o n t y , P r i m u s , V a n D y k e P a r k s , M o z a r t , S e r g e i R a c h m a n i n o f f , T o o S h o r t , R i c h a r d W a g n e r , E d g a r d V a r и s e , G e o r g e G e r s h w i n , V e l v e t U n d e r g r o u n d a n d N i c o , M i c h a e l H e d g e s , K l a u s S c h u l z e , T h e B e a t l e s , W a r , O h i o P l a y e r s , A l i c e C o o p e r , P a r l i a m e n t a n d F u n k a d e l i c , A l G r e e n , R o y D . M e r c e r , G e o r g e C a r l i n , A s h R a T e m p e l a n d t h e n e w G e n e r a t i v e m u s i c . . . t o b e c o n t i n u e d a s i t i s i n v e n t e d . . . . w i t h v i r t u a l g o g g l e s .

Click It

When I was a little kid, I liked science fiction and monster movies, mad scientist and the blob, Dracula, Frankenstein, the Werewolf, Shrinking Man, The Thing, Fantastic Voyage, The Man from Uncle, Planet of the Apes, space aliens and stuff like that. Later on, 11 or so, I liked Jaws, The Exorcist, the first Star Wars. But never really have been a big movie buff. Too easily distractable.

But over the years, I have been very impressed with Steven Spielberg creations all throughout his career. I have enjoyed Close Encounters of the Third Kind, The Color Purple, Pulp Fiction, the Evil Dead Movies, The Mask, Beetlejuice, Saving Private Ryan, 12 Monkeys, House of Games, Clockwork Orange, Faces of Death all come to mind.

My small time spent watching full length movies focuses on an eclectic set of variables like the writers, producers, actors. I like Pacino, Bogart, Jack Nicholson, Tom Hanks, Mae West, Bruce Willis, Tim Burton, Kenneth Anger, Hitchcock, Tarintino, Kubrick, Oliver Stone... I guess "thinking man" artsy/strange sort of folks i.e. Johnny Depp, Michael Keaton, Richard Dryfeuss, Christopher Walken. Generally I like movies that emote some emotional reaction-shock, sadness, laughter....but extremely so. I like movies that "affect" me somehow, provoke thought. Probably Movies that they want to ban are the ones I want most to see! haha

Of late I wanted to see Eyes Wide Shut and Da Vinci Code, but I'm cheap about spending money at movie theaters.
Except for the IMAX theatre!! Now I LOVE the IMAX in the Pink Palace Museum located on Poplar Ave. in Memphis. I went there all the time when I was living there. Come to think about it, one good reason to hurry up and move back! That and my teenage children of course. That's why I got a Myspace, to check up on my girls!


Scooby Doo, Criss Angel, Punked, Family Jewels, All in the Family, Sanford & Son, Bullwinkle, UltraMan, Judge XYZ shows, Dark Shadows, Beverly Hillbillies, Scare Tactics, Candid Camera, Gomer Pyle, Little Rascals, Andy Griffith, Land of the Lost, Three Stooges, UFO Shows, Howard Stern, Pink Panther, Heckle and Jeckle, Spy vs Spy, Popeye, The Fonz, any science, investigative reports and wierd documentaries...stuff like that. I admit I was once guilty of keeping up with Seinfeld, but I ain't never watched Cheers, or Friends or Frasier or Law and Order at all!! Really.... and FOX News has the slickest most entertaining line of Sheeple propaganda bullshit going.
I am absolutely INEPT
when it comes to making "small talk"
But if you were perhaps to speak with me,
these might be Topics of Conversation,
with other various Likes
and interests sprinkled in....

E N O / F r i p p / Z a p p a , E s c h e r , A l e x G r e y , s e e d l e s s f r u i t , D a l i - F r a z e t t a - G i g e r , c e r e a l / m i l k , A v a n t - G a r d e , G o l d , T h e u r g y , H e b r e w , Y e a t s / B l a k e / A y n R a n d , n a t u r a l e n t h e o g e n s , L e a r y / L i l l y / T e r r a n c e M c k e n n a , c h o c o l a t e , s e a f o o d , m y d a u g h t e r s , I C h i n g , p r a c t i c a l j o k e s , l a u g h t e r , T h e U S E N E T , N a n o t e c h n o l o g y , b i o c h e m i s t r y , a l e x j o n e s , D a v i d I c k e , C a s t a n e d a , S y n e s t h e s i a , e x p l o r i n g a n d d e v e l o p i n g m y L u c i d D r e a m i n g a b i l i t i e s .
My Doodlin' Thoughts
A r t B e l l - U F O s t u f f - O T Z C H I I M - - G o l d e n D a w n - F r e e m a s o n r y , R o s i c r u c i a n i s m t a r o , Q B L , k a b b a l a h , c a b a l a , k a b a l l a h , s e p h e r s e p h i r o t h , Z o h a r , s e p h e r y e t z i r a h , - A P e n c i l & P a p e r - O T O - m e d i t a t i n g u p o n a n e u t r o n - c a t c h i n g u f o ' s a n d t i c k l i n g t h e s o f t g r a y a l i e n s - E x p e r i m e n t i n g w i t h B o i l e d O k r a - c o f f e e / t o b a c c o , a s p a r a g u s , h a b a n e r o s , h e a l t h s c i e n c e s , c o o k i n g , c a t t l e m u t i l a t i o n s a n d f o r b i d d e n a r c h e o l o g y & T h e T a t t o o o n m y A s s s a y s " N U K E u h G a Y w h A l E 4 J e e z u s "
J . A l l e n H y n e k , B e t t y a n d B a r n e y H i l l , B i l l y M e i e r , H a w k i n g s , N i e t z s c h e , L o v e c r a f t , D i s c o r d i a n i s m , V a r e s e , p o m a g r a n a t e s , D O G O N T R I B E , H . P . B l a v a t s k y , E g y p t i a n s t u f f , G n o s t i c P h i l o s o p h y , e s c h a t o l o g y , L e o n a r d o , T e s l a , E d i s o n , F r a n k l i n , J font


I am a voracious reader since the age of four. I've collected books all my life and know every used book store in Memphis, TN by heart. I fucking breath and eat them. Mostly NON-FICTION...philosophy, art, new age, occult, poetry. I'm an information junky. My IQ is 150, what can I do?? haha
ART of my EX

I've got 1000 carefully selected volumes in my library, collectors items, alot of Crowley. My oldest daughter has inherited this gene and the books. They are a motherfucker to move, but move they must!! A house without a book is like a body without a soul. I'd rather be a word man, better than a bird man. "Books" is the first section I look at on a profile. The information is usually very disappointing.
People do not understand the importance of language, words and their etymologies.
Words are sound vibrations and have the potential for Magick if intoned and vibrated properly.
That is why you must not
say "the Lord's name (YHVH Yod Heh Vau Heh) in vain".
AND THE Semitic LORD'S "NAME" in the Bible IS NOT "GOD".
Your Mom's name is not "mom".
Saying "GODDAMN" is not using the Lord's name in vain.
That is not his name.
It is good that Christians
do not know the name of their God.
As I fear they would use his name in vain with reckless impunity.
I am glad the proper intonation of the Tetra-GraMmaTon (YHVH) has been concealed and closely guarded, lest the Word slip outside the non-existant Temple, and the Commandment violated...the Universe collapse,
folding upon itself, or Rolling up like a Scroll!!
or the Ain Soph Aour be Snuffed out!
But I believe some Hasidic Jews may well know the magick word, and the whereabouts of the Ark of the Covenant also. :)


My Heroes are all the genuine (not fake w/ an anal-retentive egotistic pretense) and loving people who have encouraged me and believed in me through out all my haphazardous Coming to Age from a Very Random Childness. I will always remember all of those who have ever Given me a Break in any Area of Life. To those I will be forever grateful. HONEST cops, Firemen and Soldiers. Engineers, Architects, Chemist and Health Care workers seem to make the World a neater, more comfortable Place. Teachers who teach children the 3 R's do God's work.
I am jealous of Jack Nicholson and Hugh Hefner, and the manner in which they have Managed to Conduct their long, complex lives, and I might even would trade places with them, if I knew how they were going to Die, Haha, But I guess that's not really a Hero.I also admire Clint Eastwood and Frank Zappa, as far as lives go. And Dali lived a very impressive life, but he was too PW'd (p#s?y whooped) by Gala, so I can't emulate that shit, haha.
Criss Angel and Gene Simmons seem to have 'It Going On' pretty good right now. And Bill Clinton is a NWO Socialist Skull & Boner snake, but he's a Lucky motherfucker,
young, intelligent and in the Loop BIGTIME. This fucker is in the Know about some Powerful Shit, He's like the
Illuminati Mafia PIMP !!
and I'd like to walk in his shoes for just one Day. Or attend one of the Bohemian Grove Ceremony's with him as Guest of Honor.


My Blog

Post-Partum DeCompression

This is a post-Partum Messagefrom my lovely daughter RaechelShe is kicking Ass!! From: Raechel CelesteDate: 05 Sep 2007, 02:49 AMsounds sad, but had 2 tell yall some news---i'm typin w 1 finger/hand ...
Posted by ÂÏL¥ÞµÐîB on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 11:22:00 PST

My VeriChip with Rootbeer

Posted by ÂÏL¥ÞµÐîB on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 03:31:00 PST

New Alex Grey Stuff

This is Sunday mornin'chillin'in the Chapelwith some new Alex Greythat I had found,new paintings and pic'sthat I couldn'tRt.Click on,but I gott'em anyways,haha, in spades.And some other stufffor yout...
Posted by ÂÏL¥ÞµÐîB on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 03:22:00 PST

Yes, Im a Freemason...An Open Letter......

I just responded to a message to me from a user hell-bent on trashing all Freemasons as wicked, evil people.  I thought I'd just post it unedited as a blog for those passing through, ju...
Posted by ÂÏL¥ÞµÐîB on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 02:34:00 PST

Suspended Again X 10

They just ain't got no sense of humor,and they don't gotta yell at me like that, Haha...AbCAcDdAcAbCAcAbCAcDdAcAbCAc??FUKUM??Peace my Friends!...
Posted by ÂÏL¥ÞµÐîB on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 02:59:00 PST

Cusp of Tuesday, Manic Monday Residuals

@ @ @ HEY Ya'll @ @ @ @ @ @It Is Safe To Try It Now!! @ @ @ HALLOWEEN PRELUDE ...
Posted by ÂÏL¥ÞµÐîB on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 12:38:00 PST

My 1 MySpaceTV Video today!!! HELP

Hahahahahaha,that's some crazy shit!!!Somehow my Face Mask video got onthe 1 Top Played MySpaceTV Entertainment video today.That's crazy because it was the first video I ever put on my profile last D...
Posted by ÂÏL¥ÞµÐîB on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 09:15:00 PST

My Tombstone and Death

Ha, my daughter Raechel had made me think of this.I have told her before,that if I were to die today,make me a Tombstone just like this!That is, if I must be buried.(probably won't have much input...)...
Posted by ÂÏL¥ÞµÐîB on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 12:13:00 PST

What Gurdjieff has Taught Me

This is a blog I've been working on and I dedicate to my good friend Dagny76 who caused me to have this flashback to my teenage years about these indulgences I've engaged in. It concerns my studies of...
Posted by ÂÏL¥ÞµÐîB on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 07:40:00 PST

Movie Links for Brain Tweaking Work,,,

Here are some movie links to some stuff that tweaks my brain, like science fiction might. I do study and ponder it quite abit, but I know you don't actually think I believe any of this stuff!!?? Howev...
Posted by ÂÏL¥ÞµÐîB on Sun, 15 Apr 2007 07:38:00 PST