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My name is Staci.. I have a Beautiful Baby boy..His name is Sebastian Riley Kerkemeyer Hes 1 year old!!! I love him soo much I can't imagine life with out him! He keeps me laughing all the time! I got married to the love of my life Kyle Weve been together for 4 years!. Things I Like to do are..Me & Kyle like to hang out and Drink(Love to party!)..I like to hang out with my favorite sister Shawna (my favorite sister)I Love to shop when i have the money to do it..Mostly for Sebastian.. I love Baby clothes & Toys!

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Saw 1,2,3 & 4 like them all so far.. Notebook(Makes me cry everytime) ,Blood Diamond, The shooter Awesome movie!!!

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Desperate Housewives, Degrassi, Project Run Way, Any Day Now, Call me crazy but for some reason I like watching I love New York,(one and two!) The Hills,Americas next top model, Runs house, Making the band, Rock of love, Dirt
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A child called it , One child

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All About Me Survey
First The Basics..
Name: Staci Kerkemeyer
Birthday: June 4th
Hometown: Lincoln
Restaurant: Ruby Tuesdays
Drink: Drink?.. Coke....Vodka.. lol
Holiday: Christmas of course
Car: a nice one
Place I've Been: not sure..
Thing to Do On A Warm Summer Day: Go walking
Thing To Do On A Rainy Afternoon: Watch Tv
Movie: Blood Diamond
Song: What hurts the most
TV Show: Any Day Now
Perfume/Cologne For The Opposite Sex: Cool Water
Flower: Rose
Are You Romantic?
Last Time You Had A Candle Lit Dinner? I dont remember.. Its been so long.(Hint Hint Kyle)
Went For A Walk On The Beach With The One You Love? Never..
Last Time You Bought/Recieved Flowers? For/From Who? Last weekend.. Kyle
Ever Kissed in The Rain? Today
Who Was The Last Person You Kissed? Kyle
Are You In Love? Yes
Sweetest Thing Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend Has Ever Done For You? A lot of things..
Sweetest Thing You Did For Them? umm.. lol
How Many..
Tattoos Do You Have? 1 (Its my Sons Name)
Piercings Do You Have? none.. I use to have 3
Have You Ever..
Been Skinny Dipping? Yes
Been Skydiving? Nope
Been Outside Of The US? nope
Random Thoughts..
Do You Have Any Regrets In Life? A couple..
What Is Your Favorite Memory? A lot..
Place You Would Like To Travel To? Nowhere Really..
Idea Job In A Perfect World? No job..
Ever Want To Drive A Race Car? not really no...
Your Weakness? Im not sure..
Last Thought Before You Fall Asleep? I hope Sebastian doesn..'t wake up
What The Future Holds..
Do You Want To Get Married? Im married now..
Do You Want To Have Children? I have a kid lol
How Many? just one
What Is The One Thing You Want To Accomplish Before You Die? not sure..
Any Thing Else You Would Like To Share? Nope
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