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If every word I said could make you laugh, I'd talk forever...

About Me

My mom named me Sarah and it fits me well. I'll be off to Holy Cross in the Fall. I'm kinda goofy and the chances of me laughing are not hard to come by. Im a December baby, so the holiday's get pretty hectic. I love to run, and really "love" is an understatment. Im one of those distance girls who doesn't mind repetitive laps around a track or back to back races. I love my track ladies...they know what sweat and tears are made of. I like to take frequent trips to Boston with my friends and indulge in Old Navy flip flop shopping sprees. Im thankful for my friends...they are nothing short of amazing . I love being weird and I won't really care what you think. Eating is an all time hobby, especially Rodeo Cheesburgers from the B.K. and Nachos. I love old movies, especially ones with Audrey Hepburn and Robert Redford. As for the TV, Desperate Housewives and Grey's Anatomy is a spectacular Sunday night double! I can dance like no one is watching and I've got mooves you've never seen. I adore poofy dresses, big sunglasses, and lip gloss. Luigi's Frozen Lemonade is to DIE for. :o) I'm a fan of the Red Sox, Big Pappi, Patriots, backyard games ( a.k.a wiffleball, capture the flag, kick the can, and ultimate frisbee), and Friendly's Ice Cream. I'm one of those hometown girls and I love hanging out with my friends or just being alone. Mention the beach and I'm there. I'm kinda wild and I tend to laugh out loud. Im not perfect, but there's beauty in all imperfections. Life isn't about the breaths you take, it's the moments that take your breath away. IM me starlitexoxo3Layout made by TeenageVelocity at .Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds

My Interests

Running, friends, sleeping, traveling, dancing, eating, dancing, singing, biking, kyaking, mini golfing, listening to music, driving around, shopping, talking, art, photography, sports, red sox, patriots, bruins, celtics, wiffleball, dodgeball, volleyball, slip n' slides, ice cream, cuddling, cooking, swimming, soccer, etc.

I'd like to meet:

I've already got my own lil piece of heaven!


Im game for everything but classical


Big Daddy, Happy Gilmore, The Waterboy, The Wedding Singer, Billy Madison, A Cinderella Story, Armageddon, Love Actually, Wedding Crashers, Dodgeball, Zoolander, Dirty Dancing, Love and Basketball, Ever After, Tuck Everlasting, Ms. Congeniality, My Best Friends Wedding, Anchorman, Napoleon Dynamite, Liar Liar, The Mask, Titanic, Independence Day, Serendipity, The Notebook, Pillow Talk, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Funny Girl, The Goodbye Girl, Grease, Under the Tuscan Sun, Flashdance, Footlose, Spalsh, The Princess Bride, Pretty Woman, Runaway Bride, Prelude to a Kiss, Never Been Kissed, Where the Heart Is, Alex & Emma, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Tristan and Isolde, Rocky, Oceans Eleven, Bachelor Party, Bad Boys, Dumb and Dumber, Super Troopers, The Italian Job


Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, CSI, Dancing with the Stars, Big Brother, Laguna Beach, Real World, The OC, American Dreams, Reunion, Gilmore Girls, Happy Days, Fresh Prince, Full House, All the old Nickolodeon shows, Gilligan's Island, The Wonder Years, Dawson's Creek, Friends, Summerland, Wild n' Out


Someone like You, Traveling Pants, Road Trip, Gossip Girl, Summer Boys, Sloppy Firsts, Second Helpings, The Truth About Forever, The A-List


If he was your brother, he'd be your hero too!My little sister3